第一篇            On falling in love in college
    Campus love is a common phenomenon today. Some people approve of this phenomenon while others hold the opposite opinions. All people have their own reasons. I agree with those who approve of campus love. My opinions are as follows: First,most college students are already adults and old enough to enter a love relationship. And it is natural for us college students to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Second,campus love can help us college students study better.Nowadays college students not only have to deal with their academic study but also have many petty things. That is to say college students are faced with much pressure. That will affect them so much that they can not study well. Campus love can make them happy and relaxed then they can study efficiently.Third,campus love can promote us to grow up. Only one who is falling in love can learn about what responsibility really is and what life really is. And only those who are falling in love can enjoy the true meaning of life.
Those are my opinions on campus love. What about you
第二篇                      On making friends 
Everyone has friends. Friendship is an essential part of our life. Pure friendship is just like a mirror that can help us to learn about ourselves clearly.There are some of my ideas about making friends. They are as follows: There are two kinds of "making friends" in my opinion. One is to make friends with those who work,study or live in the same place with us. For example we make friends with our classmates. I'll get close to these people who have the same interests with me expecting becoming friends with them. As for other people are just my classmates or colleagues. And they have nothing with friendship. Of course,all of those are not absolute. For me,friendship is holy. The other way is to make friends with people who have little relation with us. They are strangers before we say"hello!"to them. Maybe there is an accidental chance I have a chat with one person whom I think we could become friends and it turned out we did become friends. Friendship producing in this way should also be cherished. Some people come to our life for a reason,some for a season and some for a lifetime. We should distinguish our friends from them. Last but not least friendship is not based on interest but interests and empressement though we indeed have interest relation with our friend.
Life is good and life is tough. We need friends to help each other.
第三篇                  To fight well or to conquer 
四级英语作文范文In my opinion,the most important thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. In many fields the process of fighting seems to be more important than the result of conquering.There are some of my ideas that are as follows:
In our daily life fighting is real to us. However conquering is close to illusion.We should pay more attention to fighting which means to try your best to do everything. Fighting is a long,hard process from which you would get tired and doubtful. What we should do is not to give up but to think. We must find out the reasons that lead to our dilemma. Fighting is not easy. We can easily get it from its original meaning. In addition,we need to strengthen our confidence which is needed in fighting. And we need to develop our own quality. If you always fight well,you'll have a good result which is better than conquering.
As college students we should fight well in our own field. Conquering is kind of unrealistic f
or us. Pierre de Coubertin,founder of the modern Olympic Games once said"The important thing in Olympic Games is not winning but taking part.The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.".
第四篇            Chinese Migrant Workers’ Road to Happiness 
For humanbeing to pursue happiness and interests is the potential motive power of human nature. In fast developing China migrant peasant workers are also the case above. What I have to say is that we can not accuse them though their behaves cause many problems for their family even society. There are some of my shallow opinions below.
To begin with I show sympathy for their conditions. In China peasants take more than fifty percent in population. With the fast developing of our society,farming is not enough for peasants. They have to find another way to make extra money with which they can provide their family a better life and their children a better education. They have no choice but to climb on the bandwagon to go to cities to look for jobs. Then what they can do? Shallow knowledge,narrow horizon and helplessness of the start force them to do physical labor,suc
h as building houses,paving the road or carrying goods. They are doing boring and dangerous jobs which they are not willing to give up. Then problems occurred. Their young children can not get love from them and their old parents are living a hard life. This is indeed a big problem but what we can do is to persuade them to spend more time with their family. After all life is not easy for everyone
第五篇              The Real Meaning of Attending College
In the past going to college to study is a dream for most people. However nowadays it is becoming a common thing to attend college for many people. Then what about the understanding of the meaning of attending college? Everyone has a different idea. Here are my opinions on this subject.
First,college is a good place to learn new things which mainly are professional knowledge. It takes an important part in our college study. In the future we mainly depend on what have learned in college about our professional. And this is the most useful part. Second we will get necessary basic knowledge about many fields after our college ye
ars. Such as basic college math,application writing and basic computer technology. These will play an essential role in our later study and work. Third college provides many chances to us which we need to nurture our interests,build up our speaking ability and show our intelligence. Society is developing fast so we have to improve our capacity. We can participate many activities in college through which we can strength our comprehensive ability. Last but not least. It is high time to nurture our personality in college. I always think we must have some principles which are holy things that can not be touched.College gives us an opportunity to nurture our personality. What I have to say is that it is a difficult period.