二十四节气(the 24 solar terms)是根据太阳在一年中的位置变化确定的。二十四节气首先在中国使用,现在被世界上很多国家采用。几千年前,中国确定了二十四节气用以指导农业生产。与各个节气相对应的季节性节日、特定食物文化仪式家庭聚会乃至养生之道也可以反映出丰富的中国文化。其实,了解中国节气的历史和传承有助于深入了解中国的过去和现在。
determine; family gathering; healthy living tip; correspond with;
as a matter of fact; facilitate
The 24 solar terms are determined by changes in the sun’s position during the year. They were first used in China, and now are followed in many other parts of the world. In China, the
24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. They also reflect China’s rich history through the seasonal festivals, special foods, cultural ceremonies, family gatherings and even healthy living tips that correspond with each solar term. As a matter of fact, to learn about the history and continuing celebrations of China’s solar terms facilitates a deeper understanding of China’s past and present.