For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic:
1. 如今大学校园里, 迟到、 早退、 旷课是常见的现象
2. 保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性
3. 作为一个大学生应该怎样做
点评: 2023 年元月 三日, 中山大学博士发帖称遭导师虐待; 2023 年元月 四日, 中国政法大学爆“杨帆门”事件; 近几年, 中小学教师或打学生或猥亵学生、体罚学生等各类新闻不断曝光, 进而引发了师生关系的大讨论。 本范例题为四级考试传统的问题解决型的写作, 与校园生活亲密相关。
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic:
Students’ Rating of Their Teachers。 You should write at least 120 words followingthe outline given below in Chinese.
1. 学生给教师打分已经普遍
2. 人们对其持不同态度
3. 我的看法
Students’ Rating of Their Teachers
Nowadays, it has bee as mon in colleges and universities for students tograde teachers as for teachers to grade students. In some universities students’rating has even bee the only source of information on teaching effectiveness..
I think students’ rating of their teachers is necessary, but it should be conductedin a way that can really shed meaningful light on teachers’ performance. Instead ofrating the teachers’ knowledge on the subject, students should be asked to estimatewhat they have l
earned in a course, and to report on such things as a teacher’s abilityto municate with students, his or her relationship with students, and his or herability to arouse students’ interest in the subject.
点评: 越来越多的高校采取让学生给教师打分的形式来理解教学反应, 并以此作为促进教学质量的有效手段。 对此做法, 管理部门及教学双方褒贬不一, 看法迥异。 本范例题为校园生活热议话题, 值得关注。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position onthe topic On a Harmonious Dormitory Life. You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 宿舍生活有时会出现不和谐的情况;
2. 一个和谐宿舍生活的必要性;
3. 如何创造和谐的宿舍生活。
On a Harmonious Dormitory Life
Dormitory life is an indispensable part of college life. But sometimes theharmony in the dormitory be disturbed in one way or another.
As is known to all, a harmonious dormitory life is important to college studentsand benefits all the members. On one hand, we can have a good rest and put ourheart into study. On the other hand, we will have a good mood and enjoy beingtogether.
There are several ways to create and maintain a harmonious dormitory life.
In conclusion, we should try our best to build a harmonious dormitory life forthe sake of good study and good life.
点评: “和谐” 成为我们当今社会词频概率最高用词, 就社会而言, 倡导建立和谐社会; 就家庭而言, 提倡建立和谐家庭; 就校园来讲, 那么要建立和谐校园;和谐两字似乎无所不在, 大学生宿舍生活同样需要和谐。 本范例题与四级考试热点亲密相关, 又为典型的校园生活主题, 值得关注。
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A BriefIntroduction to the University. You should write at least 120 words according to thefollowing guidelines:
假设你是一名学生志愿者, 要给来你们学校参观的外国朋友介绍学校情况。内容应包括学校历史、 规模、 教学现状以及将来目的等。
A Brief Introduction to the UniversityDistinguished guests,Wele to our university. Before you start to look around, allow me to giveyou a brief account of the school.
Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city’s earliest universities of liberalarts. It is staffed with an excellent faculty, and has a total enrollment of over 10,000students. In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students andfound its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.
Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve thequality of our education in the direction of a first-rate university. Thank you.
点评: 近几年, 随着我国顺利参加世贸组织以及经济全球化步伐的加快, 许多国内高校纷纷与国外大学合作办学, 教育走向国际化成为人们关注的热点, 也是大学生门比拟关心的热点问题。 本范例题为热议校园生活话题, 与 2023 年旅游景点介绍 2023 年考察的名校校园开放如出一辙。
假设你是李明, 你的一个朋友张伟准备到你所在的城市来旅游, 但你有事不能接待。 写封信给他, 解释你不能接待的原因, 并说明你所做的安排。
Dear Zhang Wei,I’m glad to know that you are ing to my city during the summer vacation.
However, I’m afraid there’s some bad news. I’m planning to take part in aninternational conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit. Allthe top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More importantly, I’mlucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research teamat the Conference. I really can’t miss it.