directions: for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. you should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the influence of smart phone addiction. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
smart phone addiction
has it ever happened to you? have you been among friends,whose eyes focused on their smart phones, without saying a word for a long time? as is illustrated in the picture above, lots of people suffer from that “smart phone addiction”.
ironically, modern technology, which is supposed to enhance our contact with each ot
her, has actually become the barrier to personal communication. that phenomenon is superficially plausible, but it is harmful in the long run. as for individuals, the unwillingness to communicate may produce the estrangement between people. concerning groups, relations are indispensable for interpersonal communication in the course of team work. from a social aspect, the survival and growth of a group is mainly dependent upon the sound communication with others. if not, the world would become a horrible place filled with misunderstanding and indifference.
we can conclude from the previous discussion that interpersonal communication is of vital importance to us. it is high time that we put down the smart phones and resume communication with others. only in this way can we make our society more peaceful and harmonious.
directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled which do you prefer—living on or out of the campus? you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
which do you prefer—living on or out of the campus?
as regards the choice between college students’ living on and out of the campus, there has been a heated discussion among the general public in our society. people who lend their support to living out of the campus argue that this kind of independent life will protect their privacy and help individual development, which will then make college life more diversified and colorful.
by contrast, others hold that college students should live on campus. according to a recent survey a high proportion of parents as high as 98 percent believe that collective life will benefit their children in shaping them to be well disciplined. what’s more,campus can provide students with a safe living environment and good academic atmosphere.
as far as i am concerned, the best choice is living on campus, by which i can acquire the art of interpersonal communication through living with people from different places.
directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled the purpose of college education. you should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
the purpose of college education
nowadays, with the policy of college eollment expansion in china, higher education is no longer the privilege only enjoyed by minorities. the past decade has witnessed a steady increase in the percentage of people owning college diploma, from 8.3% to 23.5%.
however, every coin has two sides. every year so many graduates pour into the employment market and greatly intensify the competition in job market. plenty of them remain unemployed. consequently, the concept of “uselessness of study” prevails among the people who adopt a negative attitude toward higher education and believe it futile to pursue a degree.
as far as i am concerned, the purpose of university education is not only to equip students with knowledge and professional skills, but to cultivate qualified citizens to deal with various challenges with full developed character and talent. therefore, as college students, we should value the learning opportunity to perfect ourselves for the future competition.