    英文回答,My annoying little brother is always getting on my nerves. He's constantly borrowing my things without asking and never puts them back where he found them. It's so frustrating! And whenever I try to talk to him about it, he just laughs it off and says I'm overreacting.
    英文回答,Not only that, but he's also really noisy and disruptive when I'm trying to study or relax. He'll come into my room and start playing loud music or making a racket with his friends. It's like he has no consideration for anyone else in the house.
    英文回答,I've tried talking to my parents about it, but they always just brush it off and say it's just typical sibling behavior. It's so frustrating because I feel like I have no support in dealing with him.
    英文回答,I just wish he would be more considerate and respectful of my space and belongings. It's really starting to affect our relationship, and I don't want to resent him, but it's getting harder and harder not to.