My demon cousin is always causing trouble wherever he goes. 他这个恶魔表弟总是在哪里都惹麻烦。
我的恶魔弟弟He is the type of person who thrives on chaos and disruption, never content unless he is wreaking havoc on those around him. 他是那种喜欢混乱和破坏的人,除非给周围的人带来麻烦,否则永远不会满足。
From a young age, he exhibited behavior that seemed out of control and often led to consequences that affected not only himself but also those closest to him. 从小起,他就展现出让人难以控制且经常导致影响不仅限于他自己,也波及他身边最亲近的人的行为
While some may see him as a lost cause, I cannot help but feel a sense of responsibility towards him, hoping that somehow I can help him find his way and break free from the cycle of chaos he seems to be trapped in. 虽然一些人可能认为他是一个无药可救的案例,但我无法摆脱对他的责任感,希望我能以某种方式帮助他到方向,摆脱似乎被困在其中的混乱循环。
I have tried to talk to him, offer guidance and support, but it often feels like I am speaking to a brick wall. 我努力与他交谈,提供指导和支持,但往往感觉自己在与一堵墙交谈。
It is as if he is unable or unwilling to hear reason, to see that his actions have consequences that extend beyond just himself. 就好像他无法或不愿听取理性,看到他的行为带来的后果不仅仅影响到他自己。
Despite the challenges he presents, I cannot give up on him. 即使面临他带来的挑战,我也不能放弃他。
I hold out hope that one day he will realize the error of his ways and choose a different path for himself. 我抱着希望,希望有一天他会意识到自己错误的行为,并选择一条不同的道路。
But until that day comes, all I can do is continue to be there for him, offering support and guidance in any way I can. 但在那一天到来之前,我能做的就是继续陪伴在他身旁,以我所能的方式提供支持和指导。