Test 8
Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Low Carbon Life
As is depicted by the picture, a baby is sleeping quietly on the earth.Both the earth and the cute baby are sheltered by a big green umbrella.At the bottom of the picture are six big words: Advocating Low Carbon, Caring the Earth.It is obvious
环境保护文章that the author wants to convey to us a message: we should try to live a low-carbon life for the sake of our planet.
While I admit the enhancing living standard enables more and more people to live prosperous lives, I have to point out that it also leads to a negative effect: we are gradually form a bad habit of wasting.For example, many people are picking up the bad habit of going outside with lights on; private cars are soaring incredibly, causing not only heavier gas pollution but also traffic jams.These entire phenomena can cause a waste of resources and energy and increase the emission of carbon.Under this circumstance, our government and many environmental organizations are calling for “saving energy and reducing emission”.In order to make a contribution to the creating of “low carbon life”, I think several measures can be adopted.Firstly, turn off electronic machines as soon as we do not use them.Secondly, take public transportation instead of driving private cars.Thirdly, develop green economy and change the style of economic growth.If every member in this society contributes a bit to the creating of “low carbon lives”, we can build a better living environment not only for ourselves but also for the following generations.
(1) for the sake of 为了;为了…的利益
(2) point out 指出,指明
(3) be accustomed to 习惯于
(4) soar v.急剧增加;高飞
(5) saving energy and reducing emission 节能减排
(6) make a contribution to 捐赠,贡献给;为…做出贡献
(1) As is depicted by the picture, …
(2) It is obvious that…
(3) In order to make a contribution to the “low carbon life”, I think several measures can be adopted.
Test 9
Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
As is depicted in the illustration, a consumer is checking out by credit card.He tells the shop assistant that he doesn’t want products which are made at the cost of environment like cutting down trees or releasing poisonous gas.Instead, he wants things which can save the resources.This picture is spreading a new concept: be a green consumer.
Green consumer refers to those who care for the ecological environment, and try to protect it in every aspect of their daily life, especially through consumption.A typical green consumer has following characteristics.Firstly, he would choose environmentally-friendly products rather than those which harm the environment, even though the latter may be much cheaper.Secondly, he is the supporter of low-carbon lifestyle.He would use an energy-efficient light bulb, take bus and bring a reusable bag to the supermarket.The most important is that he always keeps the idea of environment protection in his mind and puts it into practice.Protecting environment is everyone’s responsibility, and being a green consumer is one way to achieve it.What we can do is to economize resources as far
as possible in our daily life and publicize the idea of pro-environment.I believe, if everyone becomes a green consumer, our world will be better in the future!
(1) check out 结帐离开;通过考核;盖章
(2) at the cost of 以…为代价
(3) refer to 指的是;参考;涉及;适用于
(4) ecological environment [环境] 生态环境
(5) environmentally-friendly adj.对环境无害的;保护生态环境的
(6) do harm to 损害;伤害;对…有害
(7) energy efficient light bulb 节能灯
(8) put into practice 实行,实施;付诸实践
(9) economize vi.节约,节省;有效地利用
(10) pro-environment n.环保
(1) As is depicted in the illustration,…
(2) What we can do is to…
Test 10
Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should:
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) give your comments.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
In the picture above, the earth, in the image of a mother, is worried about the numerous babies in the parenting car.The calendar on the wall reads October 31st, 2011, which indicates the number of population is estimated to reach 7 billion by this time.It is a vivid picture which reveals the serious topic: population explosion.Population explosion raises big questions to the earth.First of all, the support capacity of the earth cannot fulfill the requirement of rapid population growth.All