励志大全What’s stopping you ? Are you tired ? Didn’t get enough sleep ? Don’t have enough energy ?
Don’t have enough time ? Is that what’s stopping you right now ? Don’t have enough money ?
Is that thing ? Or is the thing that’s stopping you , you ?
Excuse sound best to the person who’s making them up?
Stop feeling sorry for yourself . Get off the pity party .
Telling everybody you’re sad and sob stories , trying to get people to show up to your pity parties, and your pity parades.
If you see me in a Rolls Royce, a six or seven star hotel , living my life to the fullest .
Don’t get jealous of me , because I worked my ass off to get it .Nobody handed me nothing .
Wake your ass up . Awaken the beast inside. It’s game on . It’s go season.
It’s time for you to take advantage of the access and the resources that you have , in your country and your community .
You got a problem with your life? You got a problem with your environment ?
Do something about it . If you want it , go get it . Recognize the excuses are not valid .
They are conjured up, they are fabricated ,They are lies .And how do you stop the lies ? You stop the lies with the truth .
And the truth is , You have time . You have the skill ,you have the knowledge ,and support ,and the willpower ,and the discipline ,to get it done .
The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge . Everything is uphill that’s worthwhile .
And it’s not going to come to you . And it’s not going to fall in your lap .
And It’s not going to be something that  ,oh my Gosh , It just was so simple ,It’s always goin
g to be difficult .
If you want it ,You gotta go get it .This is your chance . This is your shot .
This is your moment .This is your time .This is your place .This is your opportunity .
This is my time This is my moment, Tomorrow ,tomorrow, tomorrow ,ain’t no such thing as tomorrow ,We only got today .
It’s your dream ,if you’re going to have it ,get your butt up and make it happen ,if you’re going to have it ,rise and grind .
You still got work to do ,stay on that basketball court ,stay on that football field ,it’s grind season ,homie.