1.This _______ my _______, Helen. (   )
A.is; brother    B.is; sister    C.are; mother
2.This is Helen. _____ my sister. (    )
A.She    B.He’s    C.She’s
3.—What colour is it now? (    )
A.It’s a robot.    B.It’s black.    C.Yes, please.
4.A: Good afternoon, Yang Ling. (        )
B: _________
A.Good afternoon.    B.Good morning.    C.Thank you.
5.哥哥综合—What ______ you like? (    )
—A pie, please.
A.do    B.are    C.would
6.—Are you Mike? (   )
A.Yes, it is.    B.Yes, I am.    C.Yes, he is.
7.Mike is _________ friend. (   )
A.me    B.my    C.I
8.—Hello, Sam. (   )
A.Hello. Miss Li.    B.Hi, I'm Miss Li.    C.Goodbye, Miss Li.
9.Look _________ my cap. (    )
A.to    B.for    C.at
10.—Look at _______, Su Hai. (    )
—OK, Miss Li.
A.he    B.me    C.is
11.Look, they are my father _________ my mother. (  )
A.for    B.or    C.and
12._______ my brother. (   )
A.He    B.She    C.He’s
13._______ is my friend, Su Yang. (   )
A.She’s    B.She    C.He
14.This cat is cute and that cat is cute ________. (     )
A.to    B.too    C.at
15.I ________ Tim. He ________ my brother, Mike. (   )
A.are; is    B.is; am    C.am; is
16.Would you like ________ ice cream? (   )
A.a    B.an    C.to
17.—This is my mother. (    )
A.Thank you.    B.Nice to meet you.    C.Great.
18.—Happy New Year! (    )
A.Happy New Year!    B.No, thanks.    C.Yes, I am
19.—Look at my skirt. (  )
A.It's a skirt.    B.Yes, please.    C.It's nice.
20.—Look at my jacket. (    )
—It’s _______.
A.Thank you    B.nice    C.please
21.Look!It is a (pen/schoolbag). It is yellow. It’s nice.
22.Are ________ (你) Sam?
23.—What’s (那个)? —It’s a hot dog.
24.My _____ (祖父) is a farmer.
25.This is my _______ (家庭).
26.This is my _____ (夹克).
27.—What color is your T-shirt?
—It's _____ (红的).
28.—My blouse is _______ and _______ (橙白相间的). Look!
—How nice!
29.She is my s________.
30.Drink some ____. 
31.—This (小汽车) is for (你).
—Thank you, Uncle John.
32.We can borrow some books from the school l_____.
33.—Do you have a c_______.
—I want to look it up on the Internet.
34.________ (我) am Sam.
35.Do you like ________ (牛奶)?
36.This is my ______ (兄;弟).
37.—This toy _______ (小汽车) is for you.
—Wow, it’s _______ (红). How nice!
38.This beautiful ____ (明信片) is from my cousin in Germany.
39.This toy car is _______ (蓝的)!
40.—Is she Yang Ling?                
—Yes. S_________ is my friend.
Hi, my name is Lily. I’m from the USA.This is my friend, Cici. It’s a cat. It’s short and fat. It has a big body and a long tail. It likes fish. I like watermelons. I have a big toy box. What’s in it? 13 balls, 16 toy cars, 17 crayons and 19 pencils.
41、Lily is from the ______. (    )
42、Cici is a ______. (    )
A.cat    B.dog
43、Cici has a ______ body. (    )
A.big    B.small
44、Lily likes ______. (    )
A.fish    B.watermelons
45、Lily has ______ toy cars. (    )
A.sixteen    B.nineteen
Hi! My name is Xiao Xue. I’m eight years old. I like red. I like fish and rice. I have a school bag. It’s blue and white. I have four pencils and five books. At home, I have a black dog. It’s small(小的). It’s funny. I like it. I have a yellow cat. It is fat. It is very lovely(可爱的). I often(经常) play with my cat and dog.
46、Xiao Xue is _______ years old. (    )
A.7    B.8    C.9
47、Xiao Xue likes to eat _______. (    )
A.fish and rice    B.bread and eggs    C.milk and hamburgers
48、Xiao Xue’s school bag is _______. (    )
A.black and white    B.blue and white    C.black and red
49、Xiao Xue’s dog is _______. (    )
A.funny    B.lovely    C.fine
50、Xiao Xue’s cat is _______. (    )
A.fat    B.good    C.small
Mum: Dinner’s ready (开饭了)!
Lily: Mum, I’m hungry. I’d like some cake and juice.
Mum: Here you are. Would you like (你想要) some cake, Lucy?
Lucy: No, thanks, mum. I’d like some eggs and water.
Tom: Can I have some rice and beef, mum?
Mum: Sure, here you are. What about you (你呢) , Jim?
Jim: A cake and some milk, please. Thank you, mum.
Mum: You’re welcome. And I’d like a cake and some milk, too.
51、How many children? (    )
A.Three.    B.Five.    C.Four.
52、Lily is hungry. She wants some ______. (    )
A.cake and rice    B.cake and juice    C.cake and water
53、Lucy doesn’t like eating (不想吃) some ______. (    )
A.cake    B.eggs and water    C.eggs and milk
54、Tom wants some ______. (    )
A.rice and beef    B.juice and beef    C.beef and noodles
55、______ and mum both like (都喜欢吃) some cake and milk. (    )