Hello everyone my name is Alex I am 10 years old and I am a student in the 5th grade at Sunshine Elementary School I was born in a small town called Riverdale and I have lived there my whole life I have a younger sister named Emma who is 7 years old and we get along very well most of the time we like to play together and do fun activities like riding our bikes going to the park and having movie nights at home
My favorite subjects in school are math and science I really enjoy learning about numbers and how the world works I am especially interested in topics like astronomy and geology and I love to read books and watch documentaries to learn more about these subjects I also like to do science experiments at home with my dad who is a scientist he often brings home cool new gadgets and tools that we can use to conduct our own little experiments
In my free time I like to play soccer I have been on a team since I was 6 years old and I really enjoy the teamwork and competition of the sport I also like to draw and paint I find it very relaxing and I enjoy being able to express my creativity through art my favorite medium is wat
ercolor and I like to paint landscapes and portraits of my family and friends
Another hobby of mine is coding I started learning how to code a couple years ago and I find it really fascinating to be able to create my own computer programs and apps I am particularly interested in game design and I have made a few simple games that my friends and I like to play I hope that one day I can design and build my own video game
Family is very important to me and I really enjoy spending time with my relatives we have big family gatherings a few times a year where we all get together for meals special occasions and fun activities my grandparents live nearby and I love visiting them they always have the best stories to tell and they teach me a lot about our family history and traditions
One of my favorite things to do is to go hiking with my parents we live near some really beautiful nature trails and we try to go on a hike at least once a month I love being outdoors and exploring the woods and seeing all the different plants and animals it is so peaceful and refreshing to get away from the busyness of everyday life for a little while
I also really enjoy learning about different cultures and customs around the world my teacher has been teaching us about various countries and their traditions in our social studies class and I find it fascinating to learn about how people live in other parts of the world I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to travel to some of these places and experience the cultures firsthand
Overall I would say that I am a curious and creative person who loves to learn new things I am hardworking and diligent in my studies but I also make sure to make time for the activities and hobbies that I enjoy I have a close and supportive family and great friends and I feel very fortunate for all that I have I am excited to continue growing and discovering new passions and interests as I get older