As one of China's ten major paintings handed down from the ancient times, Qingming shanghe tu  (Ascending the River at Qingming Festival) is a genre painting of Northern Song Dynasty. It is 24.8 cm wide, 528.7 cm long, and it’s the painter’s only existing painting. Qingming shanghe tu is a national treasure, which is now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing. The painting has vividly recorded Chinese city life of the twelfth century, which is unique in the painting history home and abroad. In the five-meters scroll, there are more than 550 different characters, more than 50 head of livestock such as cattle, horses, mules and donkeysmore than 20 vehicles and more than 20 ships of different sizes. The houses, bridges and the city wall also have distinct features of Song Dynasty architecture. On the wh
ole, the painting is of great historical and artistic value.
Lanting Preface(Orchid Pavilion Preface)
Lanting Preface was authorized by Wang Xizhi in the East Jin Dynasty, on a late spring day of the Yonghe Year. That day, Wang Xizhi, together with other forty poets, conducted a ceremony, namely a kind of camping or entertainment. During the activity, each of them wrote poems and Wang then wrote a preface for them, namely Lanting Preface. In the preface, Wang wrote about the beauty of the environment and the joy of the reunion, and th
en he associated the shortness of good days and the uncertainty of life. In the preface, there are totally 28 lines, 423 characters in all. Its art of composition, structure, and the technique of writing are all perfect, which made the artwork Wang’s pride.
敦煌壁画包括敦煌莫高窟、王羲之 兰亭序西千佛洞、安西榆林窟共有石窟552个,有历代壁画五万多平方米,是我国也是世界壁画最多的石窟,内容非常丰富。 敦煌壁画是敦煌艺术的主要组成部分,规模巨大,技艺精湛。敦煌壁画的内容丰富多彩,它和别的宗教艺术一样,是描写神的形象、神的活动、神与神的关系、神与人的关系以寄托人们善良的愿望,安抚人们心灵的艺术。因此,壁画的风格,具有与世俗绘画不同的特征。但是,任何艺术都源于现实生活,任何艺术都有它的民族传统;因而它们的形式多出于共同的艺术语言和表现技巧,具有共同的民族风格。
Dunhuang Frescoes
Dunhuang Frescoes consists of Mogao grottos, Xiqianfodong Caves and Yulin Grottos of A
nxi. There are 552 grottos and more than 50,000 square meters frescoes in all, forming the grotto group that has the most frescoes in the world. Dunhuang Frescoes are the main component of Dunhuang art, and its unimaginable to keep a perfect technique in grottos of such a great scale. The content of Dunhuang Frescoes is abundant. It is similar with other religious artwork, reflecting the portrait and activities of gods, and the relationship between gods or between human and gods, which conveys the best wishes of people and comforts their souls.
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