备注:本篇完型填空题文章来源于2020年7月9日在《China Daily》上发布的一篇新闻报道,根据高考英语完型填空题的考点重新整合改编而成。
His memories of his own childhood are murky.He has never sat up on his own, let alone stood.He can't remember if he had ever asked his mother why he was__1__ different from other children.But he can cle
arly__2__holding and reading all kinds of books,including science fiction and kung fu novels and detective mysteries.
By age15,his muscles had weakened to the point where he had lost control over most of his__3__.After learning Japanese,mainly self-taught,and achieving a high level of proficiency,he worked part time as a__4__when he was in his20s.He translated nearly30Japanese novels into Chinese.
But a year ago,he stopped doing the translation work as he believed he was in a race against__5__to turn his thoughts and imaginings into stories.
A fellow script creator said his stories cast light on characters__6__their destiny. However,he said he did not feel that way when he wrote his scripts."I don't like talking about__7__.I believe the enemy we need to fight in our lives is ourselves rather than destiny,"he said.
Since he moved in two and a half years ago,he has not left his__8__.which is located in downtown Shanghai near Suzhou Creek,the city's main waterway.He is __9__by a caregiver around the clock who sees to his daily needs.Today,the 35-year-old,who has spinal muscular atrophy,a genetic disorder that causes gradual __10__of voluntary muscle control,can barely use two fingers.
He spends13hours a day sitting at a desk by a window in his apartment writing __11__for computer gamenaturaltores,reading e-books and meditating on life.His right hand rests on a pile of towels to reduce the numbness,and his back and legs are supported by cushions.
His physical condition is getting__12__.One year ago,he could control the computer mouse with the thumb and index finger on his left hand to move the cursor. But now he__13__with that simple gesture and uses voice commands to perform most of his__14__,including writing the computer game scripts.
Despite the physical difficulties,he has__15__three scripts.His latest,a 100,000-word effort about a princess lost in a castle,was written in a month this spring.The ups and downs in the__16__echo his life journey.
"When we're halfway up the mountain,we fail to see the view in the distance and might feel__17__about the future.But when we keep__18__and reach a certain height,we realize all the fretting and fear are__19__as we've glimpsed a powerful answer,"he said.
"For me,the answer is to stick to what I have-the games and books that I've adored since childhood.We can never satisfy our__20__,but we can satisfy our needs."
1.  A.mentally    B.physically    C.spiritually    D.naturally
2.  A.remind    B.remember    C.repeat    D.recall
3.  A.muscles    B.legs    C.thumbs    D.fingers
4.  A.translator    B.interpreter    C.worker    D.professor
5.  A.enemy    B.time    C.ability    D.society
6.  A.obeying    B.fighting    C.changing    D.controlling
7.  A.happiness    B.sorrow    C.bitterness    D.pleasure
8.  A.school    B.apartment    C.home    Dpany
9.  A.stuck to    B.looked at    C.attended to    D.taken after
10.  A.loss    B.decrease    C.increase    D.development
11.  A.scripts    B.dramas    C.stories    D.works
12.  A.better    B.worse    C.weaker    D.healthier
13.  A.fights    B.works    C.struggles    D.writes
14.  A.writings    B.practice    C.work    D.activities
15.  A.created    B.revised    C.performed    D.written
16.  A.dramas    B.plays    C.games    D.stories
17.  A.nervous    B.anxious    C.hopeful    D.curious
18.  A.climbing    B.going    C.thinking    D.fighting
19.  A.important    B.valuable    C.unnecessary    D.unforgettable
20.  A.hope    B.dream    C.eager    D.desire