A:Hey, do you have a minute?
B:Sure. What's up?
A:I just wanted to talk to you about some office etiquette. I've noticed some of our colleagues are not following the basic rules of office etiquette.
B:I'm listening. What do you have in mind?
A:For starters, people should avoid talking loudly on their phone. It's disturbing others who are trying to work.
B:I agree. It can be quite distracting.
A:Also, some people tend to interrupt others while they are working. I think we should all respect other people's space.
B:Definitely. It's important to have a quiet and peaceful work environment.
A:Lastly, people should be mindful of their eating habits in the office. The smell of some foods can be nauseating and even cause allergies.
B:You're right. It's necessary to be considerate of others while enjoying our meals.
A:I'm glad we had this talk. I hope we can all follow the basic rules of office etiquette and create a professional and productive work environment.
B:Absolutely. Thanks for bringing this up.