  1. Don’t yell while you are on the phone. Be mindful of your speaking volume.
  不要在  里大喊大叫,注意控制音量。
  2. If you’re in an open space, don’t use your speakerphone.
  3. Avoid jumping in on conversations that don’t involve you.
  4. Do not hover around waiting for your coworker to hang up while s/he were on a phone call. Either check back later, or if it’s an emergency- politely interrupt.
  如果同事在打  而你正好有事他/她,不要等在旁边。要么过会再来,如果特别紧急,就礼貌地打断一下。
  5. How your desk looks says a lot about you.
  6. Do not have anything political on your desk or anything that might offend someone like crude jokes or inappropriate pictures?
  桌面上不要摆放政治敏感的物品,或可能会冒犯到你同事的东西,比方贴不良笑话或放不适宜的照片。 办公礼仪
  7. Always show up to a meeting on time.
  8. Do not bring your cell phone to a meeting. If you do have it- put the ringer on silent or airplane mode
  9. Texting is a bad idea during a meeting. Even outside of a meeting, if your colleague has a question, don’t text while “listening.”
  10.Take your earbuds out if someone is speaking to you.