While significant progress has been made in building a beautiful China and green and low-carbon development, we must also note that the structural, root and trend pressures on ecological protection in China have not yet been fundamentally alleviated, and long-term conflicts between protection and development still exist. ; water resources development and utilization rates in the Hai, Yellow and Liao river basins are well above the internationally recognized warning line of 40%; energy consumption per unit of GDP and water consumption per unit of GDP are more than twice that of medium-sized developed countries. The time frame is tight, the task is heavy, and the challenges are daunting as we strive to achieve peak CO2 emissions by 2030 and basically realize the goal of building a beautiful China by 2035.
  Environmental pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions have a high degree of homogeneity in terms of root, source, process and spatial and temporal consistency, and fossil energy consumption, industrial production, transportation and residential lif
e are the main sources of environmental pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. In the face of the dual pressure and urgent need to improve environmental quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the Plan anchors the construction of a beautiful China and the achievement of the "double carbon" goal, integrates the requirements for emission reduction in various fields such as atmosphere, water, soil, solid waste and greenhouse gases, and, on the basis of a scientific grasp of the holistic nature of pollution prevention and control and climate management, takes action to reach the carbon peak We will further deepen environmental governance, promote high-quality peaks with environmental governance, enhance the comprehensive effectiveness of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and achieve multiple wins in terms of environmental, climate and economic benefits.