1. Thank you for your hard work and dedication throughout the year.
2. I want to express my gratitude for your continuous support and collaboration.
3. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with you and learn from your expertise.
4. Thank you for helping me navigate cultural differences and making me feel welcome.
5. I appreciate your patience and willingness to explain things to me.
6. Thank you for being a great team player and always going above and beyond.
7. I am thankful for the trust and confidence you have in me.
8. I want to express my sincere appreciation for your open-mindedness and willingness to embrace diversity.
9. Thank you for being a great mentor and guiding me in my professional growth.
10. I am grateful for the opportunities you have provided me and the belief you have in my abilities.
11. Thank you for your kindness and making me feel like a valued member of the team.
12. I appreciate your inclusivity and for treating everyone with respect and dignity.
13. Thank you for always being available to answer my questions and provide guidance.
14. I am thankful for the insights and perspectives you have shared with me.
15. Thank you for making the workplace a positive and inclusive environment.
16. I want to express my gratitude for your patience and understanding during challenging times.
17. Thank you for the opportunities you have given me to showcase my skills and contribute to the team.
18. I am grateful for your encouragement and support in pursuing my professional goals.
19. Thank you for being a great leader and inspiring us to reach new heights.
20. I appreciate your generosity and willingness to share your knowledge and experiences.
i am me
21. Thank you for your flexibility and understanding when it comes to cultural differences.
22. I am thankful for the trust and confidence you have in my abilities.
23. Thank you for your constructive feedback and helping me improve professionally.
24. I appreciate the time and effort you have invested in my professional development.
25. Thank you for your passion and dedication to building a strong and inclusive team.