Unit 1 This is me
Class ____________Name________
I.听录音,将所听到字母代号填入题前的括号中。字母读两遍。(i am me5分)
  1. A.  B          B.  D            C.  E
  2. A.  H          B.  A            C.  K
  3. A.  S          B.  X            C.  L
  4. A.  u          B.  p            C.  w
  5. A.  l          B.  n            C.  m
  6. A.Good evening    B.Good morning C.Good afternoon
  7. A.Finethanks.      B.Thanks.        C.How are you
  8. A.How do you do  B.See you.        C.Nice to see youtoo.
  9. A.Good morning!    B.how do you do?  C.Hello!
  10. A.Goodbye.        B.See you.        C.OK.
1. Millie is 12 y        old. She likes ___________(英语)
2. Mary likes singing and          . (画画)
3. The dog’s _____________(主人)loves him very much.
4. The girl is ____________(漂亮的), she always helps her ___________(同班同学).
5. he often          (散步).
6. He is my ________________(主人).
7. We read____________  (汉语) at 8.00 in the morning.
8. People usually call Saturday and Sunday _____________(周末).
1. I usually_______________(go) running for an hour
2. He_______________(not play) tennis on Sunday.
3. She ____________(like) reading a book after school.
4.He____________( teach) physics.
5. Kitty_______________(not wear) glasses in class.
6. She is a nurse. She _________________(take) care of sick people.
7. David____________(be)from Xinxiang.
8. Eddie doesn’t know how______________(look) after Hobo.
9. They always___________(go) out to have dinner.
10. Emily_____________(be) a good student. She ____________(work) hard.
11. Many children_____________(love) fast food.
12. I __________(not work) in an office.
13. __________she ___________(have) long hair?
14. The cat____________(be) three weeks old
15. You __________(be) late for an hour.
16.My father and mother_____(work)in Xinxaing.
17. I _____(like )all my  friends.
18. She______________(be) born in October.
三、选择填空:    20                                 
(    )1.He goes to school by bus, and he walks ________
    A. to school        B. school    C. his school    D. the school
(    )2.She likes _______. She is a good at________.
    A. swim; swimming    B. swimming; swimming
    C. swimmer; swimming  D. to swim; swim
(    )3. Thomas lives _____Shanghai ______his parents.
    A.in ,with  B.in , for  C. at ,with    D.at ,for
(    )4.What ____Lihua often ____at home on Sunday?
      A .is ,doing  B. is,do  C.do ,do  D,does  do
(    )5. The boy _____homework in the evening.
      A.not do  B.doesn’t  C.doesn’t does  D.doesn’t do
(    )6. (  )6.---How do you do?  ---_______.
A. How old are you?  B. How are you? 
      C. Nice to meet you.  D. How do you do?
(    )7. Can I ___ your new watch?  Sure.
      A. look at    B. look after    C. look for    D. look like
(    )8. Jack_____ doing his homework at eight.
      A. finish    B. finishs      C. finishes    D. don’t finish
(    )9. ___ the boys like____ the World Cup?  Yes, they ______.
      A. Does, watching, does      B. Do, watch. Do
      C. Do, watching, do          D. Does, watch, do
(    )10. He says “_____” to his parents before he goes to bed.
      A. Good evening    B. Good bye  C. Going to bed  D. Good night
(    )11.---Dad,____ is my MP3?  ---- I put it in your desk.
      A. what    B. how    C. whose    D. where
(    )12. I want to _____ a teacher when I grow up.
      A. be      B. do    C. am      D. is
(    )13. I’m____ next year.
      A. 13 years      B. 13 year    C. 13 years old  D. 13 year old
(    )14. There___ five people in my family.
      A. is      B. are    C. have    D. has
(    )15. That’s____ football. I like playing_____ football very much.
        A. a , the      B. a,  /      C. a., a      D. the,  /.
(    )16. ____ you _____  a pen?
        A. Do, have      B. Have,  /      C. Have do    D. A and B
(    )17. He enjoys_____ the radio.
      A. to listen    B. to listen to    C. listening    D. listening to
(    )18. I often listen to the news____ the radio.
      A. on      B. in    C. at      D. /
(    )19. Do you know the teacher_____ glasses?