Unit 1
Understanding ideas
It's all about ME!
"Me".It's a small word with big meaning,and that meaning is as individual to each of us as the way we look.Through interviews,was able to discover what"me"means to other people,and how they have learnt to appreciate the beauty in themselves.
Psychologist,Dr Hart
Jade,24,accounting manager
As a song in Ugly Betty puts it,"It's a pretty person's world".I understand this more than most, as I have always been plain-looking.I'm girl who'd love to look good.Well,who wouldn't?So,ever since I discovered selfie apps that could remove my freckles,enlarge my eyes and even slim my jawline,I have become addicted.I spend hours every day editing my selfies,posting them and eagerly checking my phone a hundred times for comments.Each "like"boosts my confidence.Dad
thinks I am a narcissist,but what I say is that my pictures aren't hurting anyone,so who cares?
Dr Hart says:
Obsessive online photo editing indicates lack of self-confidence and a desire for attention.
However,the image Jade presents to obtain the praise of others is false.People who pretend to be someone they are not tend to misjudge themselves.
哈特博士说:沉迷于修饰上传网络的照片,其实是缺乏自信和渴望关注的表现。不管怎样, 杰德呈现给别人想要博取赞美的形象,都是虚假的。那些把自己包装成别人的人,只会对自己产生错误的判断。
Anthony,21,college student
I never really cared about my appearance.That's why I could never understand my sister,who has 17 lipsticks and can't decide which one to use every morning.I only used to have five identical pairs of trousers and five identical shirts.When I first moved into my dormitory at college,this made my roommates quite confused as they saw me in the same clothes day after day.Last month they registered me for TV,New You.It felt bizarre at first.
I didn't like being reviewed from head to toe.But I was surprised at how good I looked after the makeover!For the first time in my life I saw myself as a handsome and well-presented young man.
At that moment,I perceived that external beauty isn't totally worthless.It can be an expression of our personalities,helping us make a good and positive impression on others.
Dr Hart says:
It's true that inner beauty is very important,but external beauty shouldn't be completely overlooked.It plays a part in the image we present to the world,and making an effort with your appearance can leave a positive first impression on others and boost your confidence.
Unit 1
Developing ideas
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
i am me巴黎圣母院
Published in 1831,The Hunchback of Notre-Dame tells a tragic story of events in Paris.
Esmeralda's beauty means that many men fall in love with her.One such man sends the hunchback
Quasimodo to kidnap Esmeralda.But Quasimodo fails and is captured and tortured in public.
Esmeralda hears his call for water,and steps forwards out of mercy.She offers Quasimodo a drink of water,which saves him and also captures his heart.When Esmeralda is later sentenced to death for a crime she did not commit,Quasimodo rescues her from an angry crowd outside the Notre-Dame Cathedral.Esmeralda is safe from execution as long as she stays inside
Esmeralda and Quasimodo were still for several moments,as they considered their predicament in silence she so graceful,he so repulsive.Every moment Esmeralda discovered some fresh defect in Quasimodo,as her glance travelled from his knock knees to his hunched back,from his hunched back to his single eye.How anyone could be formed in such a way was beyond her comprehension.Yet there was so much melancholy and so much gentleness spread over all this that she gradually adjusted to it.
He was the first to break the silence."So you were telling me to return?"