1. 他们到达火车站。 they arrive at the train station.                     
i am me
2. 丹尼跑向火车。danny runs to the train.
3. 我很兴奋。I am excited.
4. 将要去北京,你很兴奋吗?are you excited about going to Beijing?
5. 那个电影是令人激动的。that film is exciting.
6. 想做某事 want to do sth
7. 想让某人做某事want sb to do sth
8. 我想跳 I want to jump
9. 我想跳舞I want to dance
10.我想做我的家庭作业 I want to do my homework
11.我想吃饭I want to have a meal
12.我想让你帮助我 I want you to help me.
13.我想让他去学校I want him to go to school.
14.安静 Be quiet.
15.请安静please be quiet.
16.请 不要唱歌please don’t sing!
17.请不要坐下please don’t sit down
18.请站起来please stand up
19.不要直走Don’t go straight
20.不要左转/右转Don’t turn left/right.
21.不要骑自行车Don’t ride a bike
22.不要吃和喝Don’t eat or drink.
23.勿踏草坪,不要在草地上走Don’t walk on the grass
24.让我们读书吧 let’s read books.
25.让他游泳 let him swim
26.不要让他回家 let him not go home
27.让我帮助你 let me help you
28.一定要仔细听 Do listen careful
29.务必坐好do sit down
30.禁止吸烟No smoking
31.禁止垂钓 No fishing
32.禁止停车No parking