我的人生导师(My life mentor)
In my ignorance of childhood and young frivolous conceit
Dad's teachings have been guiding me forward, I am not a smart person, but I am a sensible person early.
i am meMy father has always been my life mentor, is a bright light in my confusion.
Many of his words are not original, but they always give me the real meaning when they teach me. In my eyes, it is no longer the empty words in the newspaper or the idiomatic language used by the politicians! It's a kind of spirit. It's alive.
He once told me that:
1 seize the opportunity and change ideas. Emancipate the mind and keep pace with the times.
2 good words are better than money
3 the clothes bought for the new year must represent joy, represent auspiciousness, and represent the festival atmosphere (three represents for short)
4 times change, good things do not necessarily get good results, we do not harm people can do
5, a good friend, if he can not afford to eat, do not have money dealings.
6 borrow someone else's money, you can borrow it when you want to clear, must be able to bear within the loss
7 looking for a girlfriend, yes, but looking for a good girl to find a good business project like, see the profits and the actual value is not always consistent
8, the boss's friend is the boss, the director's friend is the director, your social scope will not break through your class.
9, the development of homeopathy is not a skill, adversity is the strong growth. The economic crisis is not a bad thing, shortcomings of many years, how many people are slack glance, this is a revolution, the rest is strong should exist.
10 success only belongs to yesterday. When I open my eyes, I only see my hands, but there is nothing in my hands. Start from scratch.
11 society is very realistic, useful today, immediately on the dinner, not immediately, bye bye. It's not scary. It's scary. You're useless. - add it yourself
12 young people have the right to dream, but most of them do not call dream, is the endless desire of possession. It is a long way not overdo sth..
13 your business principal is not the hands of three melon two dates, health is the foundation of all.
14 young have to have vitality, face up to the world, I may be
really old, can not understand the decadent beauty you say.
15, buy things can buy less, but must buy! It's like the car I bought, it costs more money, but I rest assured that it's durable, safe and durable.
The 16 Dutch act is full of fools, a person not only for their own lives, as a son, you have to consider your parents; as a husband, you have a duty to his wife and children; as parents, to think of the feelings of children. Everything is possible as long as we live!
17, I'm not a rich person, but I never let my children lag behind the city's children in my life. I believe that education can't make you stand out, but it will not teach you bad.
18 No matter what, give yourself a minute every morning and evening, brush your teeth.
19 don't give up pursuing. I started my business when I was forty-one years old. No one helped me, nobody depended on me. More than 20, I tried to do the same thing, failed, I did not give up, this time I succeeded.
20 you say you are a master, capable, to prove to me! So many years of experience tell me that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. I'll wait to see your performance, see the results, the rest I can ignore.
21 I do not oppose the object you engage, but you did not dare to estimate this temper with you, looking for a kind-hearted
girl, began to talk about that house only two rooms, an acre of land, farmers' parents, grandparents living body, need someone to take care of, not back away. (Practical)
22 it doesn't matter if you have a mistake. The important thing is to know how to change it. When you feel good, it's the most dangerous time.
I can only remember so much, my sister said: small uncle before going abroad,
You'll have to pay if you want to hear it, but it's cheap in the United states.
Dad's teaching always reminds me that these words will be the wind vane in my life.
Write the log and share it with everyone, and hope it will help you too.
The words of Lu Tao's father Xu Zhisen in struggle:
1. in Wall Street, those who made money were college sports stars, and I started thinking business was profitable by computing, and after three years, I knew it wasn't, not that. What do you know? It's fierce! You have to have this momentum! You tell them, this is mine, and this is mine, you get out ofhere!
2. a businessman, a successful businessman, he will listen to other people's opinions, but he will never listen to those
ridiculous opinions.
3. what will you become in the future, do you know? Is that clear? You're the only one who captures you, except you make yourself strong, and the rest is useless, right? But how do you make yourself str
onger? Lu Tao, you have to make it clear that you can't let Xia Lin come and make you stronger, she's as young as you, and you don't learn anything with her, but business can make you stronger! In business, you can learn to sort out clues, overcome difficulties, and eventually get what you want. (and only business)
4. remember the brakes, that's the key. This is true of driving, and so does business. If you don't know what you're going to do, you're going to stop. Just like you did, you don't step on the brakes, and you realize you're out of control. And, yes, it's not something you're really sure about. It's pretty clear. You think you're going to drive, but sometimes the situation is not good enough, you know? You have to learn to avoid losing control. Out of control, I've stressed that getting out of control is the worst case. Because nobody knows what's going to happen when you lose control. It's the most important thing you need to learn, and the key to your life. Do you understand? The important thing in life is not that you do it well and smoothly, but the most important thing is that you know when to step on the brakes and know when to adjust yourself.
5. let me change your perspective and look at the whole picture from the top. It's the design, it's the construction, it's the sales, and I want you to stand here to tell you that it's all business!