If I Had Only Three Days to Live
 If I had only three days to live,what would I do?Surely I wouldn't cry or complain because it's of no use.Instead,I very be very glad to know when I will die,so that I can plan the days well.
  The First Day
  Today is a very sunny day.I get up in the early morning,take out my money from the bank and go to the nearest beach,because I like to have a last look at the sea.
  The sea is so calm and tranquil(宁静),as if nothing would happen.The wind is so fresh that it can refresh my heart.Some seagulls are struggling to the sky in a backdrop of azure(蔚蓝).It is a very quiet beach.No one disturb me.I walk along the beach,let the sand flow on my feet,and then cover them.The tide comes and goes,high and low,like the fate of my twenty years in this world.I walk until I am very tired.Then I sit down and wait for the stars to come out.
  The sky is jeweled with stars.The entire world is dark except the stars.The sea is so clear at night that it seems that there are two heavens:one is on the top,and the other is at the bottom.It is the most beautiful scene in the world,a very nice melody(旋律)with the glittering stars.I gradually fall asleep,feeling no cold or pain.I open my eyes when the first glems of the dawn come out.The fiery(火热)sun comes out froom thr place where the paradise is located.Sparkles( 旌宇 )come out from the distant place and spread out.They cover the ocean and the dead man's soul.Breezes blows across the ground,and fondles(爱抚)my mind.I decide to leave this Arcadia(世外桃源i am me)and go back to see my parents.
  The Second Day
  I go home after I bought some vegetables,some fruits and some beef.I will make anexcellent meal for my parents.I cannot recollent when I did this last time;maybe it was very long ago.When I was a child,I enjoyed watching my mother cook.I cannot cook very delicious dishes like my mother.But I want to please them;they are my onl
y family in my life.But I am such a unfilial(不孝的)son that I always let my mother do all the housework and let my father be so tired.They gave birth to me,brought me up,gave me the best edfucation and told me how to live to be a man.Their teaching will always stays in my mind.I am sad to see that their hair has bocome grayish.
  It certainly isn't a delicious meal,but we have it with great relish(食欲).We used to turn on the TV and watch the news when having meals,but today we talk.We talk about my childhood,our happiness and pain.Mum says I was so naughty that one tiome I had my head collide with a wall.My head broke and bled.I cried until she arrived.And the first thing I asked her was “Am I going to be an idiot or not, Mum?” That was very funny, wasn't it? Another time, Dad had an agument with me because he told me to pratice my violin but I didn't do that. And then when I came back from outside, I saw him burning something. At that time, I thought he was burning my violin and I rushed to stop him. It turned out he was burning some old paper. My parents also talked about their love story. I have never known that they had such a romantic story since they have never celebrated their anniversary. After the lunch, Iw
ash the dishes before. And it is a pity that it is my last time to do it now. Then Dad makes tea for us. I always said his tea was strange and bitter, but this time I have tasted the most fragrant tea in my time.
  In the afternoon, we have nothing to do. So I suggest going to the cinema. I have never been to the cinema with them. This must be the first time and also the last time. I choose a comedy because I don't want to leave with their tears. The film is very funny. I smile a lot, not because of the movie but because I see them laugh. It's very pleasant and pleasing to see your closet relatives happy. I have busy with his job. When he comes home late at night, he is always very tired and them he will go to sleep quickly. I see the wrinkles on his face. He has turned old. I still can recollect his young and handsome face in the photo. He laughs so much that his tears have come out. I want to tell him htat I have always loved and respected himeven though I seldom buy a carnation(康乃馨) for her on Mother's Day. I hate myself, but I have no time to make up for it. All that I am able to do is to love them as much as I can in my days.
  The night comes, I was always afraid of dark. I remember that when I was very young, if I slept between Mum and Dad, I would fall asleep very quickly and peacefully. Tonight I will do that again even though I am taller than my mother and as tall as my father and the bed isn't big enough. But I am scared. I'm afraid of dark. I am afraid of leaving them.I am afraid of death.NO.I am not afraid of death,but afraid of their only son.I don't want to hurt them with my leaving.I will love them forever,for my life time,for my next lifetime and next to next lifetime until the end of the world.I cannot sleep,but watch them asleep.Father has a very loud snore(鼾声)but it's melodious.And Mother is sound asleep.I cry all the night until I am tired.Parents are the dearest people in a man's life.It's true,absolutely true.