get one's own way的意思、用法和造句
随心所欲的反义词是什么一、get one's own way的意思和用法
get one's own way是一个常用的英语短语,它的意思是“为所欲为,自行其事,随心所欲”。它通常用于表示某人不顾他人的意见或反对,坚持做自己想做的事情。它可以用于正面或负面的语境,取决于说话者的态度和语气。例如
She always gets her own way in the end. 她总是最终为所欲为。
He never lets his children get their own way. 他从不让他的孩子们随心所欲。
You can't always get your own way in life. 你不能总是在生活中自行其事。
get one's own way的主语通常是人,也可以是动物或事物,表示有自己的意志或倾向。例如:
The cat gets its own way with the dog. 猫总是能让狗听它的。
The weather got its own way and we had to cancel the picnic. 天气不给面子,我们不得不取消野餐。
get one's own way的宾语通常是way,也可以是其他表示方向、路线、方法、方式等的名词。例如:
She got her own way out of the maze. 她自己到了出迷宫的路。
He got his own way of doing things. 他有自己的做事方式。
二、get one's own way的同义词和反义词
get one's own way的同义词有:
have one's way: 意思相同,但更强调某人的权力或影响力。例如:She always has her way with her
husband. 她总是能让她的丈夫听她的。
have it one's way: 意思相同,但更常用于表示让步妥协。例如:Fine, have it your way, but don't blame me if something goes wrong. 好吧,随你的便,但如果出了什么问题,别怪我。
do as one pleases: 意思相同,但更强调某人的自由或喜好。例如:You can do as you please, but don't expect me to help you. 你可以随心所欲,但不要指望我帮你。
get one's own way的反义词有:
give in: 意思是“屈服,让步,放弃”。例如:He finally gave in and let her go. 他最终屈服了,让她走了。
compromise: 意思是“妥协,折中,让步”。例如:We need to compromise and find a solution that works for both of us. 我们需要妥协,到一个对我们双方都有利的解决方案。
obey: 意思是“服从,听从,遵守”。例如:You have to obey the rules or face the consequences. 你必须遵守规则,否则就要承担后果。
三、get one's own way的常见搭配
get one's own way可以和以下词语搭配:
always: 表示某人总是为所欲为,有时带有贬义或不满的意味。例如:He always gets his own way, no matter what others think. 他总是为所欲为,不管别人怎么想。
never: 表示某人从不为所欲为,有时带有赞扬或同情的意味。例如:She never gets her own way, she always puts others first. 她从不为所欲为,她总是把别人放在第一位。
in the end: 表示某人最终为所欲为,有时带有惊讶或无奈的意味。例如:She got her own way in the end, after a lot of arguing and persuading. 经过了很多争吵和说服,她最终为所欲为了。
with: 表示某人能让某人或某物听从自己的意愿,有时带有羡慕或嫉妒的意味。例如:He gets his own way with the boss, he can do whatever he wants. 他能让老板听他的,他可以做任何他想做的事。
四、get one's own way的造句示例
以下是一些使用get one's own way的造句示例:
She is very stubborn and always tries to get her own way. 她很固执,总是试图为所欲为。
He was a spoiled child who never learned to share or compromise, he always got his own way. 他是一个被宠坏的孩子,从不懂得分享或妥协,他总是随心所欲。
She didn't get her own way of going to the party, so she threw a tantrum. 她没有按照自己的意愿去参加派对,所以她发了一场脾气。
He got his own way out of the difficult situation by using his charm and wit. 他用他的魅力和智慧摆脱了困境。
She got her own way of teaching the students, which was very effective and popular. 她有自己的教学方式,非常有效和受欢迎。
He never got his own way with his wife, she always made the decisions for him. 他从不能让他的妻子听他的,她总是替他做决定。
She got her own way in the end, after a long and bitter struggle. 经过了漫长而艰苦的斗争,她最终为所欲为了。