  拼音ǒu ěr注音ㄡˇ ㄦˇ
  ◎ 偶尔 ǒu ěr
  [oasionally;forom time to time;once in a while] 很少出现;远不是经常的
  偶尔 网络解释
  1. once in a while:听着查理-兰斯博格(Charlie Landsborough)的一曲( Once In A While),多么醉人的嗓音和幽婉的旋律,来不及听到结尾,一股暖流就已从心底流过. 这个爱尔兰老头儿的声音温煦而醇厚,低沉而绝不阴暗,有着一种通透心灵的音场感,温厚而明亮的声音里,
  2. oasionally:尽管在视角方面偶尔(oasionally)会出现一些晃动,但是在一个如此高速移动的忍者动作游戏中,它已经做的足够好了,这点让人印象深刻. 通过试玩这几关的感受,这是一个充满挑战和趣味的游戏,各类敌人都有一些极酷的动作,而且还有英语配音....呃,
  3. oasional:句子结构方面不但有简单和复杂的句子,而且要富于变化,允许有少数(a few)错误. 八分词汇要求有更写面化的较大的词汇量,能够灵活而流畅的表达,句子结构方面除了七分作文的要求之外还要有精典的句型,偶尔(oasional)有错误.
  偶尔 双语例句
  1. 然而,这另一种生活也有其情趣、快乐、满足,而且也偶尔伴随着平静的喜悦或者突如其来的激动。
  However, this is another life with sentiment, happy, content, and pany with a placeful joya
nce and a sudden excitement oasionally
  2. 眼看它消失后流淌在平坦的碗底波动,偶尔一不小心,还会洒上书本,染上一片地毯,让原本幸福悠闲时刻,变成手忙脚乱的开始,究竟如何才能优雅地享用美味的ice cream?
  When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience bees a laundry time nightmare.
  3. 我并不意味着偶尔并不确定,但关键的词是偶尔。
  I don`t mean that an oasional treat is not ok but the key word here is oasional.
  4. 在古迪逊公园的第三个赛季,阿尔特展现了前所未有的自信,他清楚自己是球队的中场领袖,偶尔他也根据主教练的安排成为一名射手。
  In his third season at Goodison Park he looks more confident than ever.
  5. 在穿粒裂纹中,沿矿物解理面扩展的裂纹只是偶尔看到。
  Among intra-granular cracks, those which is along the cleavage surface are seldom seen.
  6. 偶尔有内斜视的孩子会需要双光镜来控制内斜。
  Oasionally, children who have crossed eyes may need to have bifocals to help control the crossing.
  7. 他们有时被用来存储卷起来的纸张和偶尔称为纸持有人。
  They were sometimes used to store rolled-up paper and are oasionally called paper holders.
  8. 友谊,稀少而珍贵,就需要我们关心--也许最简单地偶尔写一写随笔,或是篮子里掉落的几张写着美丽文字的书笺--都是希望这些美丽的东西能与人分享,与人产生共鸣。
  Friendship, so rare and so good, just needs our care--maybe even the simple gesture of writing a little note now and then, or the dropping of some beautiful words in a basket, in the hope that such beauty will be shared and taken to heart.
  9. 偶尔,素手为笺,书一段雅致的词,吟一首古韵的诗,闲情逸致里,时光悄然而过。
  Oasionally, Su-hand for the paper, the book section of the word elegant, recite a poem ancient, leisure or mood, the time and had quietly.
  10. 狼界通过我们的民间传说,嗥叫在我们的梦想,而且-偶尔-与我们竞争的追捕。
  Canis lupus bounds through our folklore, howls in our dreams, and--oasionally--petes with us on the hunt.
  11. 那么,你为什么不能将谨慎抛落风中、偶尔再来冒一次险呢?
  So why not throwcaution to the wind once and awhile?