Test 1
Reading Passage 1
A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to life
1. random  (adj./n.) 随便(的),随机(的)
e.g.: Fire was a divine gift randomly delivered in the form of lighting.
  at random
2. secondary (adj.) 中等教育的,第二期的,继发的,次要的
e.g.: It was a secondary invention made during tool-making operations.
a secondary school
elementary (adj.) 基础的,简单的
  e.g.: elementary education/schools
tertiary (adj.) 第三的,第三级的
  e.g.: tertiary education
3. accidentally = by chance 偶然的
e.g.: It was accidentally made during tool-making operations.
4. seal (v.) 封住
sealed= airtight
e.g.: a sealed glass tube
5. hazardous (adj.) 危险的,危害的
ego: a hazardous device
hazard (n./v.)
e.g.: a health hazard 对健康的危害
      an environmental hazard
6. resemble (v.) = look like
e.g.: The first matches resembling those used today were made in 1827.
7. military (adj.) 军事的
e.g.: a military rocket maker
battlefield/ battleground
8. copy (v./n.)  复制
e.g.: Three years later it was copied by a Samuel Jones, who marketed his product as Lucifers.
  e.g.: duplicate the letters
  _e.g.: The findings have been replicated many times.
  e.g.: The painting reproduces every detail of the scene. 复制
      Some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs. 繁殖,生殖
  e.g.: imitate local people’s behaviors.
9. deadly (adj.) 致命的
e.g.: a deadly poison/ disease
10. expose (v.) 暴露,揭露
e.g.: Match-makers exposed to the fume got a disease that eats away jaw-bones.
  e.g.: With prolonged exposure, people may develop cancers.
11. toxic = poisonous (adj.) 有毒的 
adaptto  e.g.: The red phosphorus is non-toxic.
  toxin (n.) = poison
12. waterproof (adj.) 防水的
  e.g.: waterproof matches
  →fireproof  防火的
  →bulletproof 防弹的
  water-resistant防水的  earthquake-resistant houses 防震房子
      wear-resistant shoes耐穿的鞋
13. identical =exactly alike
    It is identical to a previous type of match.
    →identify 识别,认出recognizedistinguish
    →identity 身份,特性,特
14. adapt    1) adapt to… 适应
            2) adapt sth. 调整
adaptation (n.) 适应,适合,改编物
adaptable (adj.) 适应性强的
    e.g.: Adaptation to the motor cars has involved adding ring roads, one-way system and parking lots.
      It was another 11 years before scientists adapted the French patent for the US.
      Scientists are helping people to adapt to underground life.
      What makes glass so adaptable?
15. innovation (n.) 创新,革新
  innovate (v.)
  innovative (adj.)
  e.g.: There are exciting innovations in optic fibres.
      innovative technology
16. antiafterglow  防复燃的
  anti-  against
e.g.: anti-freeze 防冻液  anti-pollution laws 反污染法
17. novel (adj.) 新颖的
  e.g.: He had the novel idea of advertising the product in match books.
  novelty (n.)
18. preserve (v.) 保护
  e.g.: They tried to preserve burning logs unaware that they could create fire themselves.
  → preservation (n.)
  → conserve (v.) 保存,保护
  → conservation (n.)
  e.g.: the conservation of wildlife/ natural resources
19. persistent (adj.) 坚持的,持续的
  e.g.: Persistent chipping was also widespread in Europe and among other peoples.
20. previous (adj.) 先的,以前的
  ego: a previous type of match
Passage Two
Zoo conservation programmes
1. original (adj.) 最初的,最早的,独创的= first
→originally (adv.) = at the beginning
    origin(n.) 起源,起因,由来,出身  originate (v.)  发源,发生创始
  e.g.: Zoos are originally created as places of entertainment.
      The origins of spring arctic haze came from far away.
      The contaminants originate largely from Europe and Asia.
  →initially(adv.)  initial (adj.)开始的,最初的  initiate(v.) 开始,创始,发动
  initiative  (n.) 始创,主动
  e.g.: the initial shock of the audiences
      The programme in the UAE was initiated by the Arabian Leopard Trust.
      take the initiative in doing sth. 主动做
2. arise (v.) 出现,发生
e.g.: Their involvement with conservation did not seriously arise until about 30 years ago.
→ emerge (v.) = appear
  e.g.: A new style of architecture emerged.
3. commitment (n.) 承担义务,许诺
e.g.: organizational commitment
  study commitment
→commit(v.) 犯(错误,罪行),致力于
e.g.: commit crimes/suicide
  The government has committed itself to improving the environment.
4. unrealistic (adj.) 不现实的
  →realistic 现实的
  e.g.: an unrealistic optimism