How to Adapt to College Life
Making the change from a comfortable life at home with the parents to the cold and unknown world of college can be a major shock to any student. Going from always having home-cooked meals and privacy to sharing your space with complete strangers in dormitory rooms can sometimes be a frustrating and difficult adjustment. Cope with your new college life by being smart, savvy and prepared. 1
adapttoAcknowledge that you are not the only one. Whether you're coming from five minutes away or five states away, you will almost certainly feel awkward about the fact that you do not know anyone else on campus. Take a step back and realize that almost everyone else there is in the same situation. That knowledge will help give you the confidence to strike up conversations with new people, from your dorm hallways to the dining hall. 2
Take action socially. College is all about learning, networking and establishing relationships with people. If you want to gain opportunities and meet people, then you need to take the appropriate steps. Just sitting back and crossing your fingers will do nothing for you. Look for activities, teams and clubs on campus that interest you, from soccer and swimming to singing and debating. Being active on campus can be a highly effective and fast way to adapt to your new college lifestyle. 3
Work hard academically. College can be overwhelming, but you always need to remember your main priority, which is learning. If you are tempted by
social gatherings and new people, tell yourself that your primary focus needs to be on your education. Go to all of your classes. Spend a significant amount of time studying every day. Do not get caught up in all of the frills of college, because you will regret it later. 4
Fight homesickness. If you are attending college far from home, then a little bit of homesickness is normal. Cope with your feelings of loneliness by maintaining healthy ties with family and friends back home. Talk to your parents on the phone several times a week. Communicate with your closest friends through email and instant message programs. Exchange letters and pictures with your younger siblings. 5
Behave responsibly. When you begin college, the adjustment can be difficult, because you
probably are not used to the concept of time management. In the presence of your parents and with a fixed high school schedule, you did not have to manage your own time. Realize that when you are in college, no one is going to be monitoring your every action. From maintaining a healthy sleep schedule to eating regular meals, everything is up to you. Write out a detailed schedule of your daily and weekly
plans, including your classes and any outside activities and social
obligations. If you do not feel that you have sufficient time for one activity or obligation, drop it, because you do not want to risk overwhelming yourself at this hectic time in your life.