    One day, I was in class and I was drawing in my notebook instead of paying attention to the lesson. Suddenly, my teacher saw me and she looked really mad. She walked over to my desk and said, "Hey, you should be listening in class, not drawing in your notebook!"
    I felt really embarrassed because all my classmates were looking at me. I quickly put away my notebook and tried to focus on the lesson. But I couldn't stop thinking about how my teacher had scolded me.
    After class, my teacher asked to talk to me. She told me that she was disappointed in my behavior and that I should always listen in class and participate in activities. She said that if I continued to be distracted, I would not be able to learn and improve.
    I felt really bad about what had happened. I knew that my teacher was right and that I needed to do better. From that day on, I tried my best to pay attention in class and be more focused on my studies.
提醒作文    I learned a valuable lesson that day about the importance of listening and following instructions. I am grateful to my teacher for reminding me and guiding me in the right direction.
    Oh no, I still remember the time when I got scolded by my teacher! It was not a good feeling at all. So, let me tell you all about it.
    It happened during our English class. I was so excited to show off my new English skills that I interrupted the teacher while she was explaining a grammar rule. I thought I knew the answer, but it turned out I was wrong. The teacher looked at me with a stern face and told me that I should raise my hand before speaking. She also reminded me to listen carefully before answering the question.
    I felt so embarrassed and ashamed. I wanted to hide under my desk and disappear. It was a lesson I learned the hard way. From that day on, I always raised my hand before speaking in class and made sure to listen attentively to the teacher.
    Even though it was a tough experience, I am grateful for the teacher's reminder and criticism. It taught me to be more respectful in class and to always think before speaking. I realized that teachers only want the best for us and want us to learn and improve.
    So, if you ever get scolded by your teacher, don't feel too bad. Take it as a learning experience and try to do better next time. Teachers are there to guide us and help us grow, so let's listen to their advice and be respectful in class.
    Oh no, I have to write about the experience of being reminded and criticized by the teacher. It was not a fun time, but I will try my best to tell the story in a child-like and casual way.
    One day in class, our teacher was talking about a math problem on the board. I was not paying attention because I was doodling on my notebook. Suddenly, the teacher called my name and asked me to solve the problem. I didn't know the answer because I wasn't listening, so I just sat there quietly.
    The teacher got mad and told me that I should always pay attention in class and participate more. She said that if I didn't start focusing, I wouldn't be able to do well in school. I felt really embarrassed and guilty for not listening.
    After class, the teacher talked to me and told me that she only scolded me because she knew I could do better. She reminded me to always listen in class, ask questions if I didn't understand, and to not be afraid to make mistakes.
    I realized that the teacher was just trying to help me improve and do my best. I promised her that I would pay more attention in class and work harder. From that day on, I made sure to always listen and participate in class.
    Being reminded and criticized by the teacher wasn't a pleasant experience, but it taught me an important lesson. I learned that it's important to listen, ask questions, and try my best in everything I do. I'm grateful for the teacher's guidance and support, and I will always remember to stay focused and work hard in school.
    One day, I was in class and the teacher asked us to quiet down because we were talking too loud. But I didn't listen and kept talking to my friends. The teacher got mad and told me to stop talking and pay attention. I felt really embarrassed and didn't know what to do. I felt bad for not listening to the teacher, so I decided to apologize and promised to be more focused in class.
    From that day on, I made sure to always listen to the teacher and follow the rules. I realized that the teacher was trying to help me learn and I needed to be respectful and cooperative. It was a lesson learned for me and I made sure to always be on my best behavior in class.
    I am thankful for the teacher's guidance and patience in helping me become a better student. I now understand the importance of listening and following instructions in class. Being reminded and criticized by the teacher was a wake-up call for me and I am grateful for the opportunity to improve myself.