    Here's a piece of writing in English that fulfills the requirements you've mentioned:
    Oh, man, the sky's getting dark! Looks like a storm's brewing. You know, when the clouds start gathering like that, it's best to head indoors.
    The wind's picking up too. It's blowing leaves and papers all over the place. I bet the trees are swaying like crazy. You should see it from my window. It's pretty wild!
    The thunder's rolling in now. I can hear it from far away, getting louder and louder. It's like nature's own drumroll, announcing the arrival of the main event.
    And then, suddenly, the rain starts pouring down. It's coming down in buckets! You can barely see through the windshield. But hey, it's so refreshing!
    After a while, the storm starts to ease up. The rain slows down, and the thunder gets less frequent. It's like the sky's taking a breather before the next round.
    Finally, the sun peeks through the clouds, and you can see a rainbow stretching across the sky. That's nature's way of saying, "Alright, that's enough drama for today. Time to dry up and start fresh."
    So, yeah, that's what a thunderstorm's like. Crazy, but also pretty cool if you're safe indoors with a hot cup of coffee!