1. Guzheng:古筝(古筝的英文名称)
- Example: I love playing the guzheng in my free time.(我喜欢在闲暇时间弹古筝。)
2. Fingers:手指(指用于弹奏古筝的手指部分)
- Example: My fingers are sore from playing the guzheng for hours.(我因为连续弹奏古筝几个小时,手指酸痛。)
3. Strings:琴弦(古筝上的弦)
- Example: The strings on my guzheng need to be replaced.(我的古筝上的琴弦需要更换。)
4. Tuning pegs:琴轴(调节古筝琴弦音高的旋钮)
Example: I need to adjust the tuning pegs on my guzheng to get the right sound.(我需要调整古筝上的琴轴,以获得正确的音调。)
5. Bridges:琴码(古筝上支撑琴弦的木块)
- Example: The bridges on my guzheng are perfectly aligned.(我的古筝上的琴码排列得很整齐。)
6. Soundboard:共鸣板(古筝背面的共鸣装置)
- Example: The soundboard on my guzheng is made of high-quality wood.(我古筝的共鸣板是用高质量的木材制作的。)古筝乐曲
7. Plectrums:拨片(用于弹奏古筝的小片状工具)
- Example: I lost one of my plectrums, so I need to buy a new set.(我弄丢了一把拨片,所以需要购买一套新的。)
8. Octaves:八度音程(指音阶中的八个音)
- Example: My guzheng teacher taught me how to play octaves on the instrument.(我的古筝老师教我如何在乐器上演奏八度音程。)
9. Melody:旋律(音乐中的主题或主旨)
- Example: The melody of this guzheng piece is so beautiful and soothing.(这首古筝曲的旋律如此美丽和舒缓。)
10. Technique:技巧(弹奏乐器时所需的技能)
- Example: I have been practicing my guzheng techniques every day to improve my playing.(我每天都在练习古筝技巧,以提高我的演奏水平。)
11. Vibrato:颤音(音符上的微弱颤动)
- Example: The guzheng player added vibrato to the final note, giving it a haunting effect.(古筝演奏者在最后一音符上加入了颤音,给人一种令人神迷的效果。)
12. Dynamics:音量(音乐中的音量变化)
- Example: The guzheng piece requires a lot of dynamics, ranging from soft and delicate to big and powerful.(这首古筝曲的要求音量变化很大,从轻柔细腻到宏大有力。)
13. Phrasing:乐句(音乐中由连续音符组成的乐段)
- Example: The guzheng player needs to pay attention to the phrasing in this particular section.(在这个特定的部分,古筝演奏者需要注意乐句。)