第I卷(选择题,共 90 分)
第一部分听力(共两节,每小题 1分,满分20分)
1.Why did the woman come back late?
A.She had a meeting.
B. She went to see the dentist.
C. She stopped to buy cookies.
2.What does the man think of lots of Japanese people?
B. Shy.
C. Outgoing.
3.How did the woman learn about the fire?
A.From TV.
B. From radio.
C. From Bob.
4.Where are the speakers probably?
A.In a cinema.
B. In a library.
C. In a dining hall.
5.What does the woman advise the man to do?
A.Be more careful.
B. Buy a new car
C. Get his car checked.
6.Who bought a set of knives and forks for Tanya?
A.Her mother.
B. Her grandmother.
C. Her grandfather.
7.What does the woman decide to buy for Tanya?
A.A sofa.
B. Cushion.
C. A set of glasses.
8.Why did the man fail the exam?
A.He was not careful enough during the exam.
B.The questions were hard for him.
C.He didn’t revise hard for the exam.
9.What will the man have to do?
A.Retake the exam next week.
B.Find a good tutor tomorrow.
C.Take the course again next year.
10.Which month is it now?
B. February.
C. December.
11.What will the woman do during the vacation?
A.Have a family reunion.
B. Prepare for her wedding.
C. Travel abroad.
12.What does the man ask the woman to buy?
A.A china cup.
B. A vase.
C. A pair of glasses.
13.What happened to the woman?
A.Her car was broken into.
B. Her car was lost.
C. Her house was robbed.
14.What was in the woman’s handbag?
A.An MP3 player.
B. A new iPhone.
C. A set of keys.
15.What did the woman do this morning?
A.She went to the police.
B.She had her locks changed.
C.She repaired her car’s back window.
16.Who is the man probably?
A.A policeman.
B. The woman’s colleague.
C. The woman’s neighbor.
17.Which position does Orson apply for?
A.Publicity Manager.
B. Operations Assistant.
C. Sales Manager.
18.How long did Orson study economics in university?
A.Three years.
B. Four years.
C. Five years.
19.Where did Orson work first after his graduation?
A.Happy Holidays.
B. XL Holidays.
C. Sky Airlines.
20.Why does Orson want a new job?
A.He wants something new.
B.He wants a higher salary.
C.He wants good working conditions.
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