英    语
(考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:120分)
1. 你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子内容相符的图片,有一幅图是多余的。每个句子读两遍。
A        B        C          D          E        F
__________  __________  __________  __________  __________
6. What’s wrong with Judy?
A. Catches a cold.    B. Has a headache.    C. Has a stomach ache.
7. How many notebooks did Mary buy?
A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.
8. What does Eric do on Saturday morning?
A. Takes a piano lesson.    B. Watches a movie.    C. Reads a book.
9. Where is Sally’s hometown?
A. In the north of England.
B. In the south of England.
C. In the west of England.
10. What will Frank do this afternoon?
A. Buy some fruit.    B. Go to the zoo.    C. Borrow some books.
11. Where is Gina from?
A. England.    B. Australia.    C. France.
12. When did Sam come here?
A. Yesterday.    B. Last week.    C. Last month.
13. What class is Gina in?
A. Class 1.    B. Class 3.    C. Class 8.
14. What does the girl want to buy?
A. A mobile phone.    B. A TV.    C. A camera.
15. Which one does the girl prefer?
A. The small one.    B. The big one.    C. The new one.
16. How much will the girl pay?
A. $800.    B. $700.    C. $600.
17. Why does Jack like elephants best?
A. Because they’re cute.                B. Because they’re smart.            C. Because they’re interesting.
18. What can the elephants do?
A. Play football and music.            B. Dance and play music.            C. Play balls and wear hats.
19. What animals does Tara like best?
A. Monkeys.    B. Tigers.    C. Pandas.
20. Where are the students now?
A. In the classroom.    B. In the zoo.    C. In the forest.
21. Who is Mr Williams?
A. The head teacher.    B. The English teacher.    C. The history teacher.
22. How long will the parents stay in the school hall?
A. About half an hour.    B. About one hour.    C. About two hours.
23. What will the students do when they meet parents?
A. Cook food for the parents.
B. Talk about the history.
C. Answer the questions.
24. When will the parents visit the lab building?
A. In the morning.    B. In the afternoon.    C. In the evening.
25. What is the speaker’s probable job?
A. A teacher.    B. A mother.    C. A player.
Kid Care Center
The After-school Club
4:00 pm~6:30 pm every weekday
____26____ dollars an hour
It offers homework help and some ____27____ snacks (小吃).
The ____28____ Club
8:00 am~6:00 pm July 10th to ____29____ 10th except weekends
30 dollars per day
It ____30____ lunch and afternoon tea and fun activities.
二、 单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。)
31. —I’ll have a running race next week.
A. Good luck to you.                B. That’s a good idea.                C. Wait a moment please.
32. Carla is good at ________ because her paintings are beautiful.
A. music    B. sport    C. art
33. —Which subject do you like, maths or physics?
—________. I like English.
A. Both    B. Neither    C. Either
34. It is ________ to say “Thank you” to other people.
A. humorous    B. rude    C. polite
35. The cinema is the best in the town and you can sit ________.
A. comfortably    B. quietly    C. slowly
36. I love singing the songs ________ I am running.
A. until    B. so    C. while
37. Don’t ________ your child to others’ and every child has his own ability.
A. follow    B. compare    C. introduce
38. If you don’t know the writer, you can ________ more information on the Internet.
A. search for    B. hear of    C. talk about
39. So far, I ________ the book twice.
A. read    B. was reading    C. have read
40. —Can you tell me ________?
—Yes. Go down this street and turn left at the second crossing.
A. why you visit the park
B. where the park is
C. what you will do in the park
三、 补全对话(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分。)
Matt: Hi, Kevin. Long time no see. ____41____
Kevin: I’ve been to my hometown.
Matt: What did you do there?
Kevin: I found that the people were throwing rubbish into the river nearby. ____42____ Lots of fish have died.
Matt: ____43____ What did you do then?
Kevin: I took a bottle of water and some dead fish to the leader of the town.
Matt: ____44____
Kevin: He said that they’re sorry for it. ____45____
Matt: You did a good job!