1. 凡人何惧,我乃金刚不坏之身。
Fear not, mortal, for I am the indestructible body of the Diamond.
2. 一夫当关万夫莫开。
One man can hold the pass against ten thousand.
3. 如何去得尘凡之心而成大罗刹?
How can I rid myself of the mortal heart and become a great Rakshasa?
4. 大丈夫当以国为家。
A true man should put his country before his family.
5. 身为佛门弟子,行骊山梵行之术,必须守清净、步道心。
As a disciple of Buddhism, one who practices the Vedic Exercises of Mount Ling and walks the path of the Tao must keep pure and stay true to their heart's path.
6. 万事皆空,唯有菩提。
All things are empty, only enlightenment matters.
佛语录7. 士可杀不可辱。
A man may be killed, but never humiliated.
8. 孤执揭谛及破一切法门,实证禅宗之旨,根本涅磐之道。
Solitary and tenacious in the details, breaking through all doors, a true practitioner attains the principles of Zen and the path to Nirvana.
9. 善恶各有报,天道轮回不爽。
Good and evil will be rewarded, the cycle of karma cannot be cheated.
10. 佛道本无相,智者方能证。
The Buddha's teachings have no form, only the wise can understand.