Hello, I am writing to you today to extend an invitation to visit our company. 您好,我今天写信邀请您来访我们公司。
We at [Company Name] are excited to have the opportunity to showcase our operations and facilities to you. 我们在[公司名称]非常兴奋能有机会向您展示我们的运营和设施。
During your visit, you will have the chance to meet with our team members and gain a deeper understanding of our company culture. 在您的访问期间,您将有机会与我们的团队成员会面,并对我们的公司文化有更深入的了解。
Furthermore, we believe that this visit will provide you with valuable insights into our industry and allow for potential collaboration opportunities in the future. 此外,我们相信这次访问将为您提供有价值的行业洞察,并为未来的合作机会创造可能。
Please let us know your availability so we can schedule a convenient time for your visit. 请告诉我们您的时间安排,以便我们安排您方便的访问时间。
邀请函 英文
We look forward to hosting you at our company and showcasing all that we have to offer. 我们期待着您来访我们公司,并展示我们所能提供的一切。