In Australia, Christmas falls in the middle of the summer, so the holiday season is often marked by outdoor activities and barbecues. Many Australians spend Christmas Day at the beach, soaking up the sun and enjoying the warm weather. It is also common to see Santa Claus dressed in a red suit and white beard, even though he may be sweating in the heat! Australians decorate their homes with Christmas lights and enjoy a festive meal, which often includes seafood and seasonal fruits such as cherries and mangoes.
In Brazil, Christmas celebrations are a blend of religious traditions and vibrant cultural customs. The holiday season begins on December 24th, known as "Noite Feliz" or "Happy Night". Families gather to attend a midnight mass and then enjoy the traditional Christmas dinner, which includes turkey, ham, and various regional dishes. One unique Brazilian tradition is the floating Christmas tree. Large, colorful Christmas trees are anchored in rivers or lakes, creating a beautiful and unusual sight. Children in Brazil eagerly await the arrival of Papai Noel (Father Christmas) and their gifts, which are opened on Christmas Day.
Japan has a distinctive way of celebrating Christmas, influenced by Western culture but with a touch of Japanese flair. While Christmas is not a national holiday in Japan, it is still widely celebrated. A popular Christmas tradition in Japan is to enjoy a KFC meal on Christmas Eve. Due to a successful marketing campaign in the 1970s, KFC became associated with Christmas in Japan, leading to long queues at KFC outlets during the holiday season. Another unique tradition is the display of Christmas lights. Millions of colorful lights decorate homes, streets, and shopping malls, creating a magical atmosphere. Christmas cakes, typically topped with strawberries and whipped cream, are also a must-have during this time.
In Mexico, Christmas celebrations begin on December 16th with the tradition of Las Posadas, which reenacts Mary and Joseph's search for a place to stay. Every night for nine nights, families move from house to house, singing carols and requesting shelter. On Christmas Eve, families gather for a festive meal, and children break a piñata filled with candies and treats. The main dish of the Christmas dinner is often bacalao, a codfish dish, and tamales. Mexican Christmas decorations include colorful paper lanterns and nativity sc
enes, called nacimientos, which depict the birth of Jesus.
In Ethiopia, Christmas is celebrated on January 7th according to the Orthodox calendar. Known as "Ganna", it is a day of fasting and prayer, followed by a festive feast. Leading up to Christmas, Ethiopian homes are decorated with a Christmas tree called "Yelidet Be’al". Traditional Ethiopian dishes such as Doro Wat (spicy chicken stew) and Injera (spongy bread) are prepared for the celebratory meal. A popular Christmas tradition in Ethiopia is the Goha dance performed by young men and women, who dress up in traditional attire and dance in a circle.
These are just a few examples of how Christmas is celebrated around the world. Each country adds its own unique customs and traditions to make this holiday special. Whether it's enjoying a barbecue on the beach in Australia, attending midnight mass in Brazil, or feasting on KFC in Japan, Christmas is a time for people to come together, celebrate, and spread joy and goodwill. No matter where and how it is celebrated, the core message of Christmas remains the same – love, hope, and peace.