有关庆祝圣诞节的英语作文-Christmas Day
关于圣诞节的英语作文  Christmasdfss Dasdfsy
  Christmasdfss is one of the most importasdfsnt celebrasdfstions of the yeasdfsr for the western countries. It fasdfslls on the twenty- fifth of December asdfsnd hasdfss the sasdfsme importasdfsnce asdfss Chinese New Yeasdfsr to people with English basdfsckgrounds. The celebrasdfstion is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christiasdfsnity. Now dasdfsys Christmasdfss is no longer only celebrasdfsted by the Christiasdfsns, but by most people from asdfsll over the world.
  On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the dasdfsy before Christmasdfss which is casdfslled Christmasdfss Eve. The children asdfsre usuasdfslly sent to bed easdfsrly asdfsnd asdfsre wasdfsrned thasdfst “Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus will only com
e asdfsnd give you asdfs present if you be good.” The younger kids asdfsctuasdfslly believe thasdfst Sasdfsntasdfs will come down the chimney on the sleigh thasdfst’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short breasdfsd asdfsnd beer asdfsre prepasdfsred for Sasdfsntasdfs when he comes, however most times pasdfsrents just easdfst them. Some children put socks asdfsnd sasdfscks up for the holding of the presents (thasdfst their pasdfsrents put in).
  Rise asdfsnd shine on Christmasdfss morning! The children asdfsre asdfslwasdfsys the first ones to wasdfske up, some even do asdfst four. Present wrasdfsppers everywhere! They look into their presents with asdfs big smile on their fasdfsce asdfsnd oh deasdfsr….I hope no one’s disasdfsppointed. I feel sorry for asdfsnyone thasdfst got pink underweasdfsr. Children plasdfsy while dinner is prepasdfsred by the asdfsdults. The Christmasdfss dinner asdfsre usuasdfslly easdfsten together by relasdfstives. The trasdfsdition of Christmasdfss pudding asdfsnd roosters asdfsre usuasdfslly easdfsten with deserts asdfsfterwasdfsrds. The rest of the dasdfsy is usuasdfslly gasdfsmes asdfsnd fun before the good dasdfsys asdfsll come to asdfsn end.
  I wish everyone asdfs Merry Christmasdfss asdfsnd asdfs Hasdfsppy New Yeasdfsr!!!
  Christmasdfss Dasdfsy
  Although Christmasdfss is asdfs Western holidasdfsy, but now there asdfsre masdfsny Chinese people love it, perhasdfsps becasdfsuse in the dasdfsy we casdfsn get masdfsny gifts, or perhasdfsps becasdfsuse it i
  Interesting, but I love it, asdfsnd more thasdfsn thasdfst, but asdfslso becasdfsuse we asdfsre teasdfschers asdfsnd students together, hasdfsppy, except thasdfst the red, green asdfsnd white between teasdfschers asdfsnd students outside of deep love.
  Hope the stasdfsrs, get the moon, asdfsnd finasdfslly looked forwasdfsrd hasdfsppy Christmasdfss. On thasdfst dasdfsy, I asdfsrrived gasdfste, suddenly, I wasdfss shocked, asdfsnd sasdfsw asdfs Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus holding asdfs sasdfsxophone, where side-hop edge blowing, extremely beasdfsutiful asdfsnd it is filled with gifts asdfsnd lasdfswn asdfsround the time I reasdfslly 好想well wasdfsnt to touch it, the wasdfsy it should be asdfs gift asdfsh! Hey! A pity! It is simply impossible. Immediasdfstely, I sasdfsw two or three from Sasdfsntasdfs Clasdfsus fasdfsce, hasdfsnds, asdfslso took asdfs number of thi
ngs, but unfortunasdfstely do not see whasdfst is inside. Powerful sense of curiosity thasdfst I casdfsn not help to pour into the crowd, asdfslong for the ride. So is the casdfsndy asdfsh! Although I rasdfsrely easdfst casdfsndy, but not todasdfsy, I would hasdfsve to casdfsrry on easdfsting one measdfsl, even if I lost hasdfslf of the teeth.
  It is sasdfsid thasdfst there wasdfss asdfs fasdfsrmer served asdfs poor boy on asdfs cold windy Chrismasdfss Eve asdfsnd gasdfsve him asdfs big chrisemasdfss measdfsl. The boy cut asdfs Fir tree's brasdfsnch asdfsnd inserted it into the easdfsrth.He sasdfsid, "every yeasdfsr this time. There will be masdfsny presents in this brasdfsnch. I wish I casdfsn pasdfsy basdfsck to your fasdfsvor by this beasdfsutiful Fir tree. " After the boy left, the fasdfsrmer discovered thasdfst the brasdfsnch hasdfsd grow up asdfss asdfs big tree. Then he reasdfslized thasdfst the boy wasdfss asdfsn envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismasdfss dasdfsy. In western countries, Whasdfstever you asdfsre, everyone will prepasdfsre asdfs chrismasdfss tree to increasdfsse the hasdfsppiness of the chrismasdfss dasdfsy.Chrismasdfss trees asdfsre masdfsde of evergreen tree like Fir trees asdfsnd they represent the long lives.People put casdfsndles,flowers,toys,stasdfsrs on the tree asdfsnd t
hey put chrismasdfss present on thetree. On Chrismasdfss Eve,people sing asdfsnd dasdfsnce hasdfsppily asdfsnd they enjoy themselves asdfsround the tree.
  christmasdfss is coming
  i like christmasdfss, it is just like our spring festivasdfsl.
  masdfsybe the spring festivasdfsl is much more importasdfsnt asdfsnd interesting thasdfsn christmasdfss, but i like christmasdfss dasdfsy better. becasdfsuse we casdfsn spend time with our friends asdfsnd clasdfsssmasdfstes during christmasdfss. when it is snowy,
  christmasdfss becomes much more lovely, just like in fasdfsirytasdfsles. i casdfsn imasdfsgine i asdfsm in asdfs fasdfsirytasdfsle, the girl who sold the masdfstches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more asdfsnd more beasdfsutiful asdfsnd so on. whasdfst asdfs beasdfsutiful plasdfsce! so we casdfsn asdfslso casdfsll christmasdfss “snowy lovely dasdfsy.”
  on christmasdfss dasdfsy, shops asdfsre red asdfsnd green. there asdfsre so masdfsny christmasdfss casdfsrds, christmasdfss hasdfsts, christmasdfss dolls asdfsnd masdfsny col
ourful things. so shops look very beasdfsutiful. we casdfsn give asdfs casdfsrd or asdfs doll to our friends asdfsnd sasdfsy “merry christmasdfss.” by the wasdfsy, i think studying casdfsn asdfslso become much more interesting.
  christmasdfss is coming, it asdfslso measdfsns asdfs new yeasdfsr will come. let’s study hasdfsrder to welcome the new yeasdfsr!
  chritmasdfss is the dasdfsy thasdfst jesus christ wasdfss born. people in the world celebrasdfste asdfsnd worship this dasdfsy in his honor. the sasdfsntasdfs clasdfsus will come out asdfsnd send presents for children. christmasdfss casdfsrds asdfsnd decorasdfsted trees asdfsre asdfsll over the plasdfsce. the casdfsrolling of christmasdfss songs echo through the asdfsir. i asdfsm not asdfs chirstiasdfsn, but i asdfslso enjoy the asdfstmosphere of chrismasdfss. i wish everybody hasdfsve asdfs merry chirismasdfss.