my favourite hero袁隆平作文
致敬袁隆平He changed the whole world with one seed; He devoted his whole life to hybrid rice. He is the pillar of the motherland and the hero in my heart - yuan long ping. In my mind, the image of yuan long ping is fixed on an old man wearing a simple white shirt and working hard in the endless fields. His skin was dark and he always had a kind smile on his face. He was not so much a scientist as an amiable ordinary farmer. Yuan long ping speaks in a variety of languages, like "hybrid rice". People say he is humorous and cute. He can speak foreign languages, play the violin, love sports and music. How can such a versatile "treasure boy" not be loved and admired?
Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "food is the most important thing for the people". Eating enough food is more important than anything. Yuan long ping once said, "my greatest wish in my life is to let mankind get rid of famine and let people all over the world eat enough." He has always been on the path of scientific research, benefiting 1.4 billion people in China and promoting hybrid rice to the world.
他用一粒种子,改变了整个世界;他拿毕生的心血,投入到杂交水稻。他就是祖国的栋梁,我心中的英雄——袁隆平在我的脑海中,袁隆平的形象就定格在一位身穿朴素的白衬衫,在一望无际的田野里辛勤工作的老者。他皮肤黝黑,脸上总带着慈祥的笑容,与其说他是个科学家,倒不如说是一位和蔼可亲的普通农民。 袁隆平说话时混杂着各种语言,像极了“杂交水稻”,人们都说幽默可爱,他会讲外语,会拉小提琴,爱体育,爱音乐,这样一个多才多艺的“宝藏男孩”怎会不让人喜爱和敬佩呢?