    In Lao She's novel "Rickshaw Boy," Xiangzi, the protagonist, represents the struggles and resilience of the working class in pre-World War II China. Xiangzi's unwavering determination to own his own rickshaw reflects his aspirations for a better life. However, his dreams are repeatedly thwarted by poverty, corruption, and social injustice. Despite these setbacks, Xiangzi's indomitable spirit allows him to endure and persevere.
    Xiangzi's character is a complex and multifaceted one. He is both a victim of his circumstances and an agent of his own destiny. Despite the hardships he endures, Xiangzi maintains a strong sense of self-reliance. He refuses to succumb to despair, and he never gives up hope of a better future.
    Xiangzi's story is a powerful indictment of the social and economic conditions that existed in China during the early 20th century. Lao She exposes the plight of the working class and t
he injustices they face. Through Xiangzi's experiences, Lao She shows how poverty, corruption, and social inequality can crush the human spirit.
    However, Xiangzi's story is also a testament to the human spirit's ability to endure and persevere. Despite the hardships he faces, Xiangzi never gives up. He continues to work and fight for a better life. His story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.