"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne is a classic science fiction novel that takes readers on a thrilling underwater adventure across the globe. On the other hand, "The Camel Xiangzi" by Lu Xun is a masterpiece of modern Chinese literature, focusing on depicting the fate of individuals from society's lower strata. Despite being set in different times and places, both books share a profound exploration of human nature and thoughtfulness. In the following paragraphs, I will provide my impressions after reading these two works in terms of their themes, plots, and characterizations.
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" delves into the inevitable confrontations between humans and nature. By depicting the protagonist Captain Nemo's interactions with marine creatures and natural environments, the author showcases the vast and mysterious underwater world. Throughout the story, I felt a sense of respect and awe for the natural world. Moreover, the novel also addresses topics related to technology and social progress, such as the invention of submarines and the use of electricity. These elements make the work more relevant and encourage readers to contemplate the relationship between science, technology, and environmental preservation.
"The Camel Xiangzi" focuses primarily on character development. The novel portrays the protagonist's various encounters and experiences as a tricycle driver in the lower strata of Beijing society, illustrating the injustice of society and the unpredictable nature of individual destinies. Xiangzi is an unforgettable character who strives to adapt to reality, struggle for a better life, and search for hope and dignity in adversity. He deeply cares about his companions like Xiaofuzi and Dafuzi, as well as other individuals with similar fates. Through Xiangzi's fate, Lu Xun reveals the helplessness of individuals under social systems and the arduous survival condition of the impoverished class.骆驼祥子读后感800
After reading these two books, I have gained deeper insights into human nature and social issues. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" made me aware of the interplay between humanity and the natural world, reminding us to respect and protect the environment. "The Camel Xiangzi" prompted me to contemplate the issue of social class and individual inequality, reflecting the power of compassion, hope, and resilience against the harsh realities of life. These works approach universal and profound themes in different ways that resonate with readers, encouraging introspection about their own circumstances and their relationship with society.
In conclusion, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Camel Xiangzi" are thought-provoking works that offer inspiration and reflection through their exploration of themes suc
h as human-nature interactions and social class disparities. Whether it is the thrilling underwater adventure that takes readers into unknown worlds or the depiction of harsh realities faced by individuals from lower strata, both books hold unique and profound value. They showcase the complexity of human nature in different contexts and spark contemplation about the meaning of life and social justice.