As the golden autumn arrives, the air is filled with the scent of ripe fruits and the anticipation of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This traditional festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, is a time for family reunions and moon appreciation. Here in our high school, we have a unique way of celebrating this festival, which not only honors our cultural heritage but also brings the school community closer together.
The festival begins with a series of educational activities. Teachers organize lectures and workshops to explain the history and significance of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Students are encouraged to participate in making mooncakes, the traditional pastries associated with the festival. The process of mixing the dough, preparing the filling, and molding the cakes is a hands-on experience that teaches patience and precision.中秋节文章
Our school also hosts a lantern-making contest. Students are tasked with creating their own lanterns, often with themes related to the moon, stars, or traditional Chinese motifs. The lanterns are then displayed around the school grounds, creating a festive and colorful atmos
phere. The best lanterns are awarded prizes, and the winners are recognized for their creativity and craftsmanship.
In the evening, the highlight of our celebration is the moon-viewing party. The school's courtyard is transformed into a moonlit haven with tables and chairs arranged under the open sky. Families are invited to join us for a night of feasting and storytelling. The mooncakes made earlier in the day are shared among everyone, symbolizing unity and harmony.
Teachers and students alike participate in traditional games and performances. There are riddles to solve, songs to sing, and dances to perform. The most anticipated event is the lantern release, where everyone writes a wish on a small piece of paper and attaches it to a lantern. As the lanterns float into the night sky, they carry with them the hopes and dreams of our school community.
The Mid-Autumn Festival at our high school is more than just a celebration of a traditional holiday; it is a celebration of our shared experiences and the bonds that tie us together. It is
a time to reflect on our roots, appreciate the beauty of nature, and look forward to the future with hope and optimism. As the moon wanes and the festival comes to an end, we carry with us the memories of a day filled with joy, learning, and togetherness.