  给报纸编辑写信英文范文 第一篇
写信范文  Dear Editor,
  I’d like to tell you some of my problems with my parents in daily life.My parents tend to make almost all decisions for me.They choose the school and subjects for me.Sometimes even clothing and daily timetables have to be decided by them.
  In my opinion, deciding everything for children does not help them but harm them in many ways.Firstly, it will make children lack independence, which is unfavorable to their development in the long run.Secondly, in many cases parents’ decisions go against children’s personal ideas and interests, which will make children form resistance and naturally influence their growth.
  I do believe to grow to be independent is a natural way for everybody.Parents should give us chances to make our own decisions.They may help us make choices instead of replacin
g us to make choices.
  Yours sincerely,
  Li Hua
  给报纸编辑写信英文范文 第二篇
  To: Jeffrey, all company and department heads, managers, editors and authors Celiott was appointed Vice President and chief editor of the company, and has been on this new task since March.Jeff succeeded Mr.Green.
  I announced his retirement in Decembers memorandum, because the book company plays an important role in the publication of teXtbooks in the United States and foreign countries.It can only maintain its leadership by recruiting and training eXcellent editors, designers and producers Bit.This is very important, and it is also the basis for us to achieve the goal of equality.
  What is important is that we absolutely need to maintain a high standard of editing quality, which is the main reason for our success.Jeffss task will include many functions, and his greatest contribution should be reflected in these two aspects: finding and training talents who can contribute to the production of high-quality books and teaching materials.Reporting to and assisting Jeff in achieving these goals will be Ms.
  Mary Miller, editorial services manager, Ms.Lucille Lawson, copyright and licensing manager, and William Woodson, assistant vice president of production research, Jeffrey Celliot grew up in Oklahoma and graduated with honors from Oklahoma State University, where he began his career as a school teacher.He served briefly as the companys sales representative and vice president of beacon college in Richmond.
  Jeff was the editor in chief of the California business books department.He played an important role in promoting the Department to the editorial status of business education.
  给报纸编辑写信英文范文 第三篇
  Word editor subeditor Copyreader ● teXt editor editors edit manuscripts of books.He has little time to edit manuscripts, let alone economists.Bankers and students who gather at Davos artistic yeyanor students should be familiar with different writing styles, editing and punctuation techniques and principles in source and target languages, while mainstream news websites still employ copywriters and professionals Journalists, many citizen news organizations, such as heliumcom, whose stories are read and ranked by the average number of users per article, relying on users to evaluate the content.
  Yeeyanorgaard wooden chairs, road trips and long-distance plane flights were so painful that I had to quit my job as a copywriter.
  给报纸编辑写信英文范文 第四篇
  July 19, 2002
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  We are writing to you for your help.Our hometown used to be a beautiful place in the past.Thick trees and green grass could be seen everywhere.But recently, people have cut down more and more trees in order to build houses and grow more crops.As time has gone on, the whole forest has almost been destroyed and the green hills have changed into wasteland.As a result, sandstorms strike us now and then, especially in spring.We suffer a lot from sandstorms.We do hope that all people realize the terrible results if we dont pay enough attention to our environment.Instead of cutting trees down, we should take good care of the forests and plant more trees so as to improve our living conditions.