新概念是一套经久不衰的教材,任何一位学者,教师,学生都对这套教材赞口不绝,细读一,二两册教材,都能感受读书的乐趣,不 妨听听一位小朋友学新感念的感觉:
“我总在不知不觉中,嘴里就在叨叨英文,并成了一种习惯,英语也成了我最喜欢的课,因为,从学新概念开始,我的英语在学校是无人能敌的,总是满分, 而且是公认的。每天晚上我都是听着新概念英语磁带入睡,爸爸还选择了我喜欢的动画片如《Shrek》让我反复的看,体会英语的语感及魅力。让我爸爸、妈妈惊喜的是有一次我在新概念英语背诵比赛中,第一册拿了一个特等奖。如今学英语对我来说更加充满了信心,我已将新概念英语第二册学到了 30 课,而且,每课都能背诵下来。我打算明年再参加新概念英语第二册背诵比赛,再拿一个特等奖!
Unfortunately it is often the case  in our society that parents care    more about their children’s academic success than about their moral development,and few children are brought up to see cheating and lying as dishonest.
早起的鸟儿勤捉虫。----it’s early birds that catch wormse
三围-----bust    waisthips
与某人订婚------be engaged in sb
天涯何处无芳草 there are plenty of fish in the see
什么东西把你迷住了 what is it about the girl---that attract    you so much?-
口红    --lipstiick
有你电话  ----    you are wanted on the phone
关系良好    ----on    good    terms
关系一般     ---on    bad terms
设身处地想想    put yourself in my shoes
早睡早起 early to bed and early to rise 英雄所见略同 great minds think alike 活到老学到老 live and learn
相信你自己 believe in yourself
有山不见山 there are no hills where hills do stand 有水不见水 there are no rivers where rivers do flow 短短一截路 桂花雨读后感for short ways on the land
跑断两条腿 days and days you have to go