大学英语课文the height读后感
    The Height is a really cool story that we read in our college English class. It's all about this guy named Peter who goes on a big adventure to climb the tallest mountain in the world. I think it's called Mount Everest or something like that.
    I really liked how brave Peter was to climb the mountain, even though it was really dangerous. He had to face all kinds of challenges like bad weather, falling rocks, and running out of food. But he never gave up and kept on climbing.
    Peter also met some interesting people along the way, like his guide Tenzing and the other climbers in his group. They all worked together to help each other reach the top of the mountain. It was really cool to see how teamwork can help you achieve your goals.
    One thing that I learned from this story is that you should never give up on your dreams, no matter how hard things get. Peter could have easily turned back and gone home, but he kept on pushing forward until he reached the peak of the mountain.
    Overall, I really enjoyed reading The Height and I think it taught me some important lessons about perseverance, teamwork, and never giving up. I'm glad I got to read it in my English class and I would definitely recommend it to other people who like adventure stories.
    Oh my gosh, guys! I just finished reading this super cool story in my college English class called "The Height". It was so awesome and I just had to tell you all about it!
    The story is about this guy named Peter who had a huge fear of heights. Like, he couldn't even climb up a ladder without feeling super scared. But then one day, he had to face his fear because he needed to climb this really tall tower to save his friend who got stuck up there. Can you imagine how scary that must have been?
    But guess what? Peter was super brave and he managed to climb all the way to the top of the tower and save his friend. It was like a total Hollywood movie moment, you know? And then, when he got back down, he realized that he wasn't scared of heights anymore. Like, he had overcome his fear and become a total hero!
    I just love how this story shows that we can conquer our fears if we just believe in ourselves and push through. It's like a message to never give up, no matter how scared we might be. I think it's such an important lesson for all of us to learn, don't you think?
    So yeah, "The Height" is definitely one of the best stories I've ever read and it totally inspired me to be brave and face my own fears. I think everyone should read it and learn from it. It's just that amazing!
    I just finished reading the English text called "The Height" in college class. It's all about a boy who wants to prove he's brave by climbing to the top of a tree. But then he gets scared and doesn't want to climb down. I learned a lot of things from this story.
    First of all, I learned that it's important to face your fears. The boy in the story was scared to climb back down the tree because he was high up and it was scary. But he had to be brave and do it anyways. I think this is a good lesson for me because sometimes I get scared too. But now I know that I should try to be brave and face my fears.
    Secondly, I learned that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. The boy finally got down from the tree with the help of his friends. They didn't make fun of him or anything, they just helped him. That's really nice of them. It made me think that if I ever need help, it's okay to ask for it.
    Lastly, I learned that it's important to be careful when you're trying to do something new. The boy wanted to climb the tree to show he was brave, but he didn't think about how he would get back down. It's important to think about the consequences of your actions before you do something. That way, you can stay safe and have fun at the same time.
    Overall, I really enjoyed reading "The Height." It taught me some important lessons and made me think about how I can be braver and smarter in my own life. I can't wait to read m
ore stories like this in my college class!
    Oh my goodness, you won't believe how amazing the article "The Height" was! It was like so interesting and cool at the same time. I never knew that height can affect people's lives so much. I mean, the story about the tall guy who couldn't fit in his bed or ride a roller coaster was just so funny. And the part about the short girl who couldn't reach the top shelf was kinda sad but also kinda funny.
    I think the message of the article was that we should accept people no matter what their height is, which is so important. It's not fair to judge someone just because they are tall or short. We should all just be nice to each other and not make fun of people for things they can't control.
    I also liked how the article talked about how height can be influenced by genetics and environment. It made me realize that there are so many factors that can affect how tall or s
hort someone is. It's not just about eating vegetables or drinking milk, like my mom always says.