Unit 4 Lesson 21 Books or Computers精品教案
Lesson 21 
Unit 4
1. New words and phrases: press, appear, modern, electronic, sell,
pass on, write down,by hand ,printing press ,modern technology,keep on,electronic book,It is/was + adj.+ (for sb.) to do sth.
2.Understand the meaning of text.
3. Students can get useful information by reading.
4.· Students are able to talk about the history of books.
New words and phrases
· Key structures:
· Learn to use the useful expressions and structures.
· Usa  key structures in real life.
· Learn to use the useful expressions and structures.
Step 1: Greeting.
Greet the class. Good morning/afternoon, Class.
Step 2:Lead in
How many books have you read this year?
Have you ever read electronic books?
What do you think of them?
It is easier for people to buy and sell books online. Information travels faster and farther.
Which country was the first to invent paper?
What are other three inventions of ancient China?
Think and answer.
使用亲切、贴近生活的问候语言拉近师生关系,带学生自然进入英语氛围, 自然引入本课话题。图片帮助学生学习,直观、感性、形象。
Step 3: Reading task
Read the lesson and answer the questions .
1. How did people write books in ancient times?
2. What made it possible to print books quickly?
3.What kind of books quickly changed people’s reading habits?
Step 4: Presentation
In ancient times,there were no books,and people passed on their knowledge by ________ stories.
Then people learn to write and they write on ————————.
Later,people learned how to make paper, they began to write down their stories________ on paper. It took a long time to write just one book!
Then,the printing press ________, it was ________ to print books quickly. It was also possible for common people to read books .
Recently,computers and the Internet changed the world again. A new kind of book  appeared: the __________ book(e­book). It is easier for people to __________ books online.
Nowadays people have many ways to read books now. 
Step 5:Reading task
Read the lesson and put the sentences in the correct order .
        The History of the Book
□It took a long time to write just one book .
□It made it possible for common people to read books .
□The e-book appeared .
□People had no books,and they shared knowledge by telling stories .
□The printing press appeared .
□People download books from the Internet .
□With paper,people began to write down stories .
Step 6: language points:
1. People passed on their knowledge by telling stories.
    考点一: pass on  传递;前进;
  pass on sth. to sb.(= pass sth. on to sb.)
eg:Can you pass on the newspaper to my sister?
2. They wrote each word by hand.
He moved the huge stone by hand.
My shoes were made by hand.
3. No matter what you have……keep on reading.
  keep on    继续   
They run after me. I don't look back at them and keep on running.
Step 7:Exercise
by hand  ancient  invent    keep on    pass on
1.He ________ a new way of making silk.
2.In ________ times, people lived by hunting.
3.The toy is made ________.
4.After a short rest, they ________ walking.
5.How do they ________ their information?
Step 8:Exercise
  With paper,people began to write down their stories .  People wrote each word by hand . It took a long time to write one book _____________ couldn’t travel far .
Printing press
When the printing press __________,it changed the  world . The ________ printing press can print books  quickly,and makes it possible for the _________ person to have easy access to books .
Comp uters and the Internet changed the world . They made it possible for a new kind of book: the  ___________book . Traditionally books could only be bought and sold at a store,but today you can buy and _______ books online .
Step 9: Pair Work
Do you like reading paper books or electronic    books(e­books)?Why?Talk with your partner and make up a dialogue .
Step 10:Exercise
1. This temple is one of ________ buildings in the town. We must take action to protect it.八年级下册英语教学计划
A.old                B.older 
C.oldest            D.the oldest
2. The twins look exactly the same. ________ of them are in my class.
A.Each          B.Both 
C.Either        D.None
3. —Are you going to have a part­time job during the summer vacation?
—Yes. I don't think I should always ________ my parents since I've grown up.
A.fight against          B.argue with
C.hear from              D.depend on
1. Fred tried to get to the door, but the table was _____  the way.
2. I saw him _____ the way home.
3. He is _______ the way to being a engineer.
4. ______ the way, what happened to the money? 
5. Only ______ this way,  we can improve ourselves.
Step 11.Group Work
Do you know an important festival in spring in China?Search for some information and make a mind map for it
Step 11:Summary
  press, appear, modern, electronic, sell,
pass on,write down,by hand ,printing press ,modern technology,keep on
Read the text and answer the questions.
Learn the new words and phrases.
Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.
Read and give the correct order.
Listen, take notes and exercise.
Read,think and complete the sentences.