仁爱英语七年级上册 Unit3 Topic2 SectionA教学设计
本课时所讲授的是仁爱版教材七年级上册第三单元第二话题的Section A。本课时内容在谈论职业的基础上,增加内容“What does your mother do? What do your parents do?” (学习关于不同人称的疑问句)。为了活跃课堂气氛,利用多媒体、chant等方法,反复操练重点句型,学生通过听、说、读、写等训练,可以牢固地掌握所学知识
1. (1) Learn some words about jobs: doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse
(2) Learn some other new words: home, kid, glad, mother, father, parent, office
2. (1)Talk about jobs:
①—What do you do? —I’m a student.
②—What does your mother do?—She is a teacher.
③—What do your parents do?—They are both office workers.
(2)Talk about greetings and introductions:
①—Glad to meet you. —Glad to meet you, too.
②Mom, these are my classmates.
Step 1  Warming up
Review the expressions of greetings and then present the new word “kid” and expression “--Glad to meet you. -- Glad to meet you, too.” 
Step 2  Lead in
Show a picture of the teacher to introduce her job, then teach the other new words of jobs in the same way.
(以同样的方式,出示,学习新单词farmer ,cook, nurse, office, worker, doctor。并要求学生掌握。提醒学生注意an office worker。)
Step 3  Pre-listening :game
1. Get the students to read the new words together.
2. Look and guess. (guess the job with a part of the picture.)
3. Show some pictures of jobs and get the students to ask and answer as quickly as they can.
Step 4  While-listening
1. The teacher asks and students answer:
T: What does sb. do?  Ss:He/ She is a/ an …
2. Get the students to work in pairs to practice the dialog.
3. Get the students to listen to 1a-1 and answer the question “Where are the kids?”
Then check the answer. Read the dialog together.
4. Show the picture of Kangkang’s parents to present the new words "father, mother, parent".
5. Get the students to listen to 1a-2 and complete the table in 1b, then get them to read the dialog together. (T explains the sentence “And your father?”)
6. Show the pictures of Yukio and Wang Junfeng, Get the students to listen to the conversation in 2 and complete the passage about their family with the correct words.
Step 5  Post listening
1. Get the students to make a chant about their partners’ family with music, using the following questions:
What do you do? What does your father/mother do?
2. Get the students to act 1a out.
Step 6 Summary