基于文本解读的高中英语阅读活动设计的教学反思——以A father and a son阅读课教学为例
【作 者】丁洁
【正文语种】中 文
授课内容是美国作家BobGreen笔下的A father and a son,作者以一位目击者的身份出场,通过他的视角,观察一对不富足的黑人父子在区间列车上的言行举止。通过作者的一番感悟,引发读者对“陪伴”问题的反思。在现代物质社会背景下,父母与子女的关系已然成为一个热点话题,关注度很高,而“陪伴”话题更能触动处于敏感期的高中学生的心灵,学生无形中会进行反思,在文章中到自己的影子。
1.At the front of the first car—looking out the window at the track that lay ahead—were a man and his son.
2.“Here we go!Hold on to me tight!”the father said.
3.“Look out there!”the father said to his son.“See that pilot?I bet he’s walking to his plane.”The son craned his neck to look.
4.“I want to ride some more!”
“More?”the father said,mock-exasperated but clearly pleased.“You’re not tired?”
“This is fun!”his son said.
“All right,”the father replied,and when a door opened we all got on.
5.“Where are all these people going,Daddy?”the son asked.
“All over the world,”came the reply.
阅读这些句子,学生宛如直观电影的每一个镜头,聚焦了镜头中父亲和儿子坐在机场区间车前排一起看风景的喜悦、父亲对孩子的安全和身心的关注、父亲与孩子平等的交流、父亲耐心倾听并真挚地回应、父亲因孩子的快乐而快乐等画面,在对语言进行分析时,学生能感知这位父亲一言一行中所浸透的爱,并真切地体会这位父亲的真心陪伴带给孩子的无以言表的幸福与快乐。教师对于第3句中的“I bet”要着力分析。可以发问:“Who’d like to use‘I bet’,children or adults?”并追问:“Why?”“Can we change‘I bet’into‘I think or guess’?”在学生思考并回答后,不难发现,这位父亲在与孩子交流时,放低自己的姿态,特意用孩子的语言,在平等交流的状态下拉近与儿子的距离。
1.to analyze how the author employs contrast in the story
2.to cultivate critical thinking by analysis and reflection
3.to have a better understanding of the message the story conveys
4.to feel love and express thanks to people around us
(二)教学过程Step 1 Lead in
1.Watch a short video.
2.Share a story with students.
Step 2 Skimming and prediction(预测)
1.Skim the first paragraph for its main idea.
The author heard________on the________,sterile and________train.
2.Beat around the bush:prediction
What might be talked about in the text according to the title a father and a son and the first paragraph?
Step 3 I Read within the text
1.Application of reading strategy
2.One-sentence summary
3.The theme of the story______
Step 4 Read between the lines
Task 1.Question and details
◇Who let out the laughter?
◇Find otherwords to showhappinessinthestory:
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
(para.3)(para.9)(para.10)(para.14)(para.17)Contrast 1:impersonal⇔happiness
Deep thinking:What’s the function of the contrast? To highlight(强调)the father and the son’s___with each others’___. Task 2.Note-taking Contrast 2(para.4):
most people on the train:(1)__;(2)__
thefatherandtheson:(1)__(2)__dressed in__clothes
Conclusion:In comparison with the above,the father and the son__.
Contrast 3(para.2~14):
Task 1.Find some sentences showing the father’s love to his son and read them emotionally.
Analysis of the hidden meanings these actionsshow:
◇The father was in tune with his son to find out beauty in life.
Task 2.Question:How do other parents love their children?(para.12)
Conclusion:The love shown by other parents is_____ .