English: Wang Shifu's poem "Changting Send-off" beautifully depicts the scene of saying goodbye at a long pavilion. The poet uses vivid imagery to describe the setting, with the swaying willows, misty rain, and the gradually fading figures of friends parting ways. Through his words, readers can feel the sense of melancholy and nostalgia as the poet bids farewell to his friends. The poem also touches upon the theme of impermanence, as the poet reflects on the fleeting nature of life and the transient moments shared with loved ones. Overall, "Changting Send-off" is a poignant and evocative portrayal of the bittersweet emotions of parting.
中文翻译: 王实甫的诗《长亭送别》美丽地描绘了长亭告别的场景。诗人运用生动的意象来描述此情景,包括摇曳的垂柳、薄雾飘渺,以及逐渐消失的离别友人的身影。透过诗人的文字,读者可以感受到诗人向友人告别时的忧郁和怀旧之情。诗歌也涉及到无常的主题,诗人反思了生命的短暂本质以及与所爱之人分享的瞬息时刻。总的来说,《长亭送别》是一首感人而富有感染力的描绘离别带来的苦乐交加情感的诗作。