About Thin People                                     
Caesar was tight. Thin people need watching. I’ve been watching them for most of my adult life, and I don't like what I see. When these narrow fellows spring at me, I quiver to my toes. Thin people come in all personalities, most of them menacing. You've got your together thin person, your mechanical thin person, your condescending thin person, your tsk-tsk thin person, your efficiency-expert thin person. All of them are dangerous.
In the first place, thin people aren't fun. They don't know how to goof off at least in the best, fat sense of the word. They’ve always got to be adoing. Give them a coffee break, and they'll jog around the block. Supply them with a quiet evening at home, and they'll fix the screen door and lick S & H green stamps. They say things like "there aren't enough hours in the day." Fat people never say that. Fat people think the day is too damn long already.
Thin people make me tired. Theyve got speedy little metabolisms that cause them to bustle
briskly. They're forever rubbing their bony hands together and eyeing new problems to "tackle". I like to surround myself with sluggish, inert, easygoing fat people, the kind who believe that if you clean it up today, it'll just get dirty again tomorrow.
Thin people believe in logic. Fat people see all sides. The sides fat people see are rounded blobs, usually gray, always nebulous and truly not worth worrying about. But the thin person persists. "If you consume more calories than you burn," says one of my thin friends, "You will gain weight. It's that simple." Fat people always grin when they hear statements like that. They know better.
Fat people realize that life is illogical and unfair. They know very well that God is not in his heaven and all is not right with the world. If God was up there, fat people could have two doughnuts and a big orange drink an-time they wanted it.
New words and expressions生词和短语
Caesar ['si:zə] n.Julius Caesar凯撒(100—44 B.C.)罗马统帅,政治家,与庞培和克拉苏结成“三头执政”,后击败庞培,成为罗马独裁者,后被共和派贵族刺杀。
quiver ['kwivə] vt.(轻微地)颤动,抖动
menace ['menəs] v.& n.威胁,恐吓
condescending [kɔndi'sendiŋ] adj.带着优越感表示关心的;用恩赐态度相待的。
tsk-tsk ['tisk'tisk] n.(表示不赞同、同情、不耐烦的)啧啧声
goof off v.[俚]闲荡,混日子
ado [ə'du:] v.辛劳,骚动
metabolism [me'tæbəlizəm] n.新陈代谢美文赏析
briskly [briskli] adv.活泼地,活跃地
sluggish ['slʌgiʃ] adj.懒惰的,懒散的
inert [i'nə:t] adj.呆滞,迟缓的,无生气的
blob [blɔb] n.(难以名状的)一团,黑糊糊的一堆
nebulous ['nebjuləs] adj.模糊不清的,朦胧的