Call For Peace
Winston Churchill 1874-1965
Since Alfred Nobel died in 1896 we have entered an age of storm and tragedy. The power of man has grown in every sphere except over himself. Never in the field of action have events seemed so harshly to dwarf personalities. Rarely in history have brutal facts so dominated thought or has such a widespread, individual virtue found so dim a collective focus. The fearful question confronts us: have our problems got beyond our control? Undoubtedly we are passing through a phase where this may be so. Well may we humble ourselves, and seek for guidance and mercy.
We in Europe and the Western world, who have planned for health and social security, who have marveled at the triumphs of medicine and science, and who have aimed at justice and freedom for all, have nevertheless been witnesses of famine, misery, cruelty and destructio
n before which pale the deeds of Attila and Genghis Khan. And we who, first in the League of Nations, and now in the United Nations, have attempted to give an abiding foundation to the peace of which men have dreamed so long, have lived to see a world marred by cleavages and threatened by discords eyen graver and more violent than those which convulsed Europe after the fall of the Roman Empires.
It is upon this dark background that we can appreciate the majesty and hope which inspired the conception of Alfred Nobel. He has left behind him a bright and enduring beam of culture, of purpose and of inspiration to generation which stands in sore need. This world-famous institution points a true path for us to follow. Let us therefore confront the clatter and rigidity we see around us with tolerance, variety and calm.
New words and expressions生词和短语
sphere [sfiə] n.领域,方面
dwarf [dwɔ:f] n.矮子,侏儒;v.(使)变矮小,阻碍发展
美文赏析humble ['hʌmbl] adj.谦逊的; vt.使……谦卑
witness ['witnis] n.目击者,见证人;vt.目击,见证
famine ['fæmin] n.饥荒
abiding [ə'baidiŋ](v.容忍;)adj.持久的
mar [ma:] v.弄坏,毁坏,损害
cleavage ['kli:vidʒ] n.劈开,分裂
convulse [kən'vʌls] vt.震动,震撼,使抽筋
clatter ['klætə] n.哗啦声,嘈杂的谈笑声
rigidity [ri'dʒiditi] n.坚硬,僵化,刻板