(1)There is a lack of socially acknowledged criteria for  缺乏社会公认的标准  (2)in one setting, in another 在某种情况下,在另一种情况下  (3)distinguish between 辨别  (4)break up 打破  (5)the ground for  ...的根基  (6)seem to似乎  (7)own advantage 个人利益  (8)feel no need of 觉得没有必要  (9) take pleasure in (doing) sth 以(做)某事为乐 (10)the opportunity of the moment 当下的机会  (11)fall in and out of陷入,走出  (12)in the highest form 最高形式的  (13)trials and tribulations艰难困苦  (14)as the saying goes常言道  (15)leave no question无损于  (16)have the courage of ones (own)convictions 有勇气去做或说出自己认为正确的事  (17)be made up of three components由三部分构成  (18)be under arrest被逮捕  (19)cast an eye over粗略地看一下  (20)check up on核实  (21)lose track of失去联系的  (22)make a fortune大赚一笔  (23)tear down拆除
(1)beyond /defy description难以描述  (2)yearn/thirst for渴望  (3)indulge in(使自己)沉溺于  (4)let it go任由  (5)at some stage or the other in our lives在人生某阶段  (6)defy definition无法被定义  (7)an overwhelming joy一个巨大的喜悦  (8)matters of the heart情感之事  (9)puppy love(少男、少女)对(年龄较大的)异性的短暂痴情  (10)well-groomed young gentlemen打扮入时的年轻绅士  (11)long-term长期的  (12)more or less或多或少  (13)A was a magnificent building I built on the foundation of B. It took time to blossom .It took a lot of C,loads of D and E,and   A是我在B的基础上建立的宏伟建筑(用于写B的必要性!)  (14)be fed lavishly with满怀  (15)bygone era过去的时代  (16)jump on the bandwagon of赶浪头,随大流  (17)physical attraction身体吸引力  (18)mental compatibilities精神上的兼容性  (19)peer pressure同侪压力  (20)harden ourselves强化自己  (21)object of affection爱的对象  (22)set priorities in设置优先级  (23)let sb.loose (on sth.)让.....任意(放手)行动  (24)frivolous acts轻佻的行为  (25)in short简言之  (26)state of affairs事态,情势  (27)fit into(使)适合  (28)grow used to习惯于....的  (29)in the course of在.....过程中  (30)in vain徒劳(31)a green hand生手
(2)(1)propose a recipe for为....提供秘诀  (2)at an advanced age在年老的的年纪  (3)provide insights into the issue of就...话题提出自己的见解  (4)at my time of life在我这个年纪  (5)my first advice 我的第一个建议将是  (6)in this respect=from this perspective在这一方面  (7)as regards有关,关于  (8)cut off夭折  (9)in the flower of ones youth风华正茂  (10)to ones last day在人生最后一天  (11)inquire the cause of询问...的原因  (12)part from别离  (13)popular science科普  (14)on the ground that以....作为理由  (15)guard against警惕  (16)undue absorption in过度沉迷于  (17)in regrets for遗憾于  (18)in sadness about哀伤于  (19)suck vigor from汲取活力  (20)cling to=attach to依附  (21)become indifferent to漠不关心于  (22)it is no use无用  (23)be incapable of没有能力....  (24)concern oneself with使担心  (25)render sb.sth给予某人某物  (26)be oppressed by被...所压抑  (27)bit by bit渐而渐之  (28)A becomes increasingly merged in B A渐渐融入到B中  (29)carry on 进行  (30)in the hope of希望  (31) an end使结束  (32)make room for腾出地方  (33)set aside不顾
(3)think highly of=place a high value on高度重视  (2)a answer came out of ones mouth回答  (3)older than average超过平均水平  (4)for want of=for lack of由于缺乏  (5)ones face remained as blank as a clear summer sky形容某人茫然的样子  (6)be the case是事实  (7)hit upon the idea of想到...点子  (8)dispense with使成为不必要,省掉  (9)twiddle ones thumbs闲得无聊  (10)as the clock ticks away随着时间流逝  (11)incorporate A into B把A并入B  (12)more than a few不少  (13)model after仿造  (14)assembly line流水线  (15)liberal arts文科  (16)make sense有意义  (17)oddly enough奇怪的是(引出反方观点)  (18)in favor of支持  (19)hold in store储存,即将发生  (20)A must be based upon the hope for B A必须建立在对B的希望上  (21)to this end为此  (22)turn ones back on the past漠视过去  (23)it is ones noble task是...的神圣使命  (24)in accordance with与...相一致  (25)name just a few举几个例子  (26)with the rapid changes brought about by随着由...所带来的急剧变化  (27)general education通识教育  (28)first and foremost首先,也是最重要的  (29)A provides the passport to B,but also lays the foundations for C A不仅能为B提供通行证,还能为C奠定基
础  (30)is still the norm仍是主流  (31)last,but far from least最后但并非最不重要的适者生存英语  (32)bring back使想起  (33)go after追求  (34)in turn依次轮流  (35)reflect on反省,回想  (36)step in介入  (37)call for需要,提倡  (38)cry out for迫切需要  (39)ut of从...得到...  (40)lend itself to适用于,有助于  (41)so to speak打个比方说  (42)try out试验  (43)absent-mindedness 心不在焉