Unit 1 Cultural Heritage
1.sculpture n.雕塑;雕刻;雕像
2.statue n.塑像;雕像
3.construct vt.建设;建筑
4.remains n.遗迹
5.splendid adj.辉煌的;壮丽的
6.gallery n.画廊;美术馆
7.exhibition n.展览;展览会
8.historical adj.与历史有关的;史学的
9.myth n.神话
10.legend n.传说;传奇故事
11.origin n.起源;由来
12.masterpiece n.杰作
13.rare adj.罕见的
14.unique adj.独特的,特有的
15.precious adj.宝贵的
16.well­designed adj.设计巧妙的
1.be situated/located in 位于
3.natural wonder 自然奇观
4.be in ruins 变为废墟
5.belong to 属于
6.non­material cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产
7.traditional crafts 传统工艺品
8.be listed in 被列入
9.folk arts 民间艺术
10.The cradle of the civilization 文明的摇篮
1.History and culture are the soul of the city and people should cherish the city's historic and cultural heritage as their own lives.
2.Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the palace museum.
3.Appreciating one's own cultural relic is very important for understanding oneself.Appreciating the cultural heritage of other countries is very important for international communication and understanding.
1.It's our duty to take more effective steps to better protect our cultural heritage.
2.I know you have much interest in Chinese culture and you are good at paper­cutting.
unequal 不平等的
unfortunate 不幸的
uncommitted 不承担责任的
unconditional 无条件的
unlimited 无限的
unambitious 无野心的
uncivilized  未开化的
debate v.& n.辩论;争论
argue v.争论
discuss v.讨论
quarrel v.&n.争吵
dispute v.&n.争论
controversy n.争论;论战;辩论
①刺绣: Embroidery
②剪纸:Paper Cutting
③书法: Calligraphy
④对联: (Spring Festival) Couplets
⑤中国结:Chinese knotting
⑥文房四宝:The Four Treasure of the Study
Brush, Ink stick, Paper, and Inkstone”
①除夕:New Year's Eve
②春节:the Spring Festival
③清明节:Tomb Sweeping Day
④端午节:the Dragon Boat Festival
⑤七夕节:Magpie Festival
⑥中秋节:Mid­autumn Festival
⑦重阳节:Double Ninth FestivalⅣ.
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
1.wildlife n.野生动植物
2.ecology n.生态,生态学
3.evolution n.进化;演变
4.survival n.存活;幸存
5.primitive adj.原始的;远古的
6.extinct adj.灭绝的
7.victim n.牺牲品,受害者
8.eco­friendly adj.对生态环境友好的
9.habitat n.栖息地
10.seaweed n.海草
11.dolphin n.海豚
12.koala n.考拉
13.coral n.珊瑚
14.whale n.鲸鱼
15.shark n.鲨鱼
1.spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做……
2.endangered species 濒危物种
3.ecological balance 生态平衡
4.the survival of the fittest 适者生存
5.rare animals 稀有动物
6.take responsibility for 对……负责任
7.adopt effective measures 采取有效措施
8.go from bad to worse 每况愈下
9.environmental protection 环境保护
10.live in harmony with nature 与自然和谐相处
1.Lacking in human protection, the number of Yangtze finless porpoise is becoming smaller and smaller.
2.Let's make joint efforts to create a green and harmonious environment.
3.It is through the activity that we learn better the importance of protecting the environment.
1.Starting in May, the activities are aimed at reducing air pollution in our city and raising people's environmental awareness.从五月份开始的活动旨在减少我市的空气污染并提高人们的环保意识。
2.Now more and more people become aware that the present environment has much to do with what we have done to the earth.现在,越来越多的人开始认识到,目前的环境与我们对地球的所作所为有很大关系。
3.It's everyone's responsibilities to protect the environment.If we can change our way of life,
we can make a big difference.
enable 使……能够
endanger 使……危险
enlighten 启发;启蒙
enlarge 扩大;放大
enrich 使富足
encourage 鼓励
die out 灭亡;逐渐消失适者生存英语
disappear 消失;失踪
fade away 逐渐消失
appear 出现
turn up 出现;发生
show up 出现
transport 运输
transplant 移植
transform 使变形;改造
trans­century 跨世纪
transnational 跨国的
transcontinental 横跨大陆的
come into+n.”短语集锦
come into being 形成;产生
come into effect/force 开始生效;开始实行
come into existence 形成;产生;开始存在
come into power 开始执政
come into use 开始使用
come into play 开始活动;开始起作用