Unit5 单元考点
1. seek (sought, sought) vt. & vi.; 寻求; 谋求; 征求(建议、意见等);请求(帮助、援助等) ; 试图;企图
They migrate to find food, seek a partner, or in search of warmer weather.
seek jobs / work /employment工作;求职
a job-seeking guide求职指南
seek out 出; 到
seek for 寻,搜寻
seek to do sth. 试图做
seek one's fortune寻出路;寻致富之路
seek (sb’s) advice征求(某人的)建议
seek (sb’s) help / assistance请求(某人的)帮助
The book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.
这本书使那些想寻求自己的答案的学生产生自信心 (天津卷)适者生存英语
To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honor and reputation.注重智慧、真理和灵魂的进步远比追求金钱、荣誉和名声要好得多
We must seek out a solution to the problem.我们必须到解决问题的办法。
They are seeking for chance to go to work. 他们正在寻求工作机会
Scientists have been seeking _________ (understand) the mystery of the "sixth sense" of direction.    (江苏卷)  (to understand)
They sought _____ a place to shelter from the rain, but in vain. (for)
2. measure n. 尺寸;大小; 度量单位;计量标准; 标准; 衡量; 措施;办法; vt.& vi测量; 测定;估量;衡量; ...长/宽/高等
It uses its eyes to measure the position of the sun.
measurement n测量;衡量;尺寸
measuring instruments测量工具
take sb's measure给某人量尺寸
make.. to sb's measure按照某人的尺寸做.
weights and measures度量衡
safety measures 安全措施
take measures采取措施
Speed is a good measure of work performance in this setting.
The doctor weighed the baby and measured its height. 大夫给婴儿称体重,量身高
Scientists haven't measured the positive effects of laughter on children.
The room measures10 meters across.这个房间宽10米
They finished _______ (measure) that piece of land last week.  (measuring).
It is high time that we should take some ______ (measure) to protect endangered animals.
3. position n.位置; 方位; 位置; 姿势; (物体所指的)方向; 地位;身份; 职位;职务; 名次;处境; 状况; 观点;态度; 立场; vt. 放置;安放
It uses its eyes to measure the position of the sun.
a man of position有身份的人
in position 就位
hold/take an important position 担任要职
Can you show me the position of the city on the map?
T he orchestra were all in position, waiting for the conductor.
Lie in a comfortable position. 以一种舒适的姿势躺下
Keep the box in an upright position. 把盒子竖着放
The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other.
Bruce takes / holds the position of sales manager in a large company.
Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.
I positioned myself where I could see the door. 我站在可以看见门的地方
From their ___________ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city. (陕西   (A)
A. stage     B. position   C. condition     D. situation
(He is thinking of applying for the position of Chief Editor.)
(I hope you'll reconsider your position.)
4. determine vt. & vi决心; 决意; 确定; 查明; vt是…的决定因素; 影响
The two pieces of information-the time of day and the point where the sun is in the sky-allow the butterfly to determine the way to go.
determination n. 决定; 决心;果断
determined adj. 决意的; 坚决的;坚定的
a determined look. 坚定的神情
a determined young man 意志坚定的年轻人
carry out the plan with determination坚决执行计划
sb. (be) determined to do sth. 某人决心/决定做某事
sb. determine to do sth. 某人决心/决定做某事
The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.
Demand determines supply.需求决定供给
Investigators are still trying to determine what caused the fire.
It is your efforts, not your intelligence, that determine your success.
She determined that nothing should be changed in her report.
We determined on an early start.我们决定早点出发
He has determined on going tomorrow.他已决定明天去
She gave me a determined look - the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind.
她给了我一个坚定的眼神 表明她是不会改变主意的
Amazed at how skilful they were, I was determined to be just as good.
If we have the courage and _____________ (determine), we will finally get the sunshine we want. (北京卷)    (determination)
My father ________ (determine) that none of his children would be denied an education. (福建新课卷)  (was determined)